Childhood Friends

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I waited rather impatiently for my friend to arrive at the bus stop, he was always late. It seems like just yesterday we'd met and now we were going to UA!

Finally out of the corner of my eye I see the one I was waiting for, a tall, red-headed boy with sharp teeth and a big smile "Took you long enough Ei" I joke, giving him a snarky smirk

"Cmon Y/N! Don't be like that" He whines, leaning on my shoulder. I roll my eyes, "Whatever, let's go, we're gonna be late"

We walk to UA together as we always did, chatting and laughing along the way "You two are in a good mood today" We hear Mina say, I nod "Yeah, now Cmon we're nearly late for class"

We rush into class, Mr. Aizawa standing at the front with his arms crossed. "You aren't late, this time" He says, glaring at us. I sigh in relief "Sorry sir, won't happen again!" He rolls his eyes "Take your seats"

We sit in our seats, I glare at Kirishima and pass a note which read "We got scolded cause of you!" He writes back "I'm sorry! My mom burned breakfast" I groan quietly but sigh "It isn't a huge deal. Just don't be late agai-"

"Miss. L/N. Are you passing notes?" I perk up upon hearing Mr. Aizawa speak "S-Sir I can-" He walks over, snatching the note from my hand. He didn't read it, but instead threw it away "Pay attention" I sigh in relief, at least he cared enough to not invade our privacy...

After school Kirishima and I meet at the gate "Dear Lord he's still just as scary as he was the first time we met him" Kirishima says. I nod "Yeah, at least he didn't read it though, right?" Kirishima nods "Yeah" We walk home together, and halfway there he didn't realize that he'd reached down, grabbing my hand in his. I flinch a little, my cheeks going red "He's holding my hand!" I think, realizing that he didn't seem to notice. As we make it to my house he lets go of my hand "Night Y/N!" I nod "Night Ei"

(I'm really sorry it's so short, but thank you for reading!


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