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I open my eyes and get blinded by a bright light. Agh! God what is this!? Since when is my.. my..?..Uuh.. Where am I..? I sit up and rub my eyes. There's.. nothing? except my bed, that is... I..I'm dreaming! I-I have to be! There's nothing! Absolutely nothing! I-It's just a large..White..Void.. Bean! BEAN! I lift my covers but she's not there. I start to panic, "where could she be!? She-She could get lost! I have to find I-I have to-" I stop my panicked rambling, hearing faint purring. I look around frantically before seeing her, laying on top of my blanket. She's.. so small? She's a kitten again. I pick her up gently, feeling her soft breathing and purring in my hands. Thank goodness.. This is just a dream. I thought I was in the backrooms or something for a second there. I take off my hoodie and put it back on backwards, gently setting sleeping Baby-Bean in my hood. Wait- if she's... Back as a baby.. that means- VINCE! I struggle to put on my slippers that were on the.."floor" I guess and step out of my bed. I look around and start walking. I hear voices, far away.. they're saying something, but I can't understand anything other than my name being said occasionally.

I stop for a bit, and when take a step i'm suddenly transported to a completely different place. It's a.. Forest? At least I think it is. I'm in a big circle-field thing, surrounded by what seems to be thick trees with huge branches. My bed is back next to me and it's covered in moss, flowers and vine which makes it look like some sort of fairy bed. The field is filled with various flowers and plants. It's beautiful...but kinda cliché. The morning light shines from above, but as I look up all I see are leaves and branches. If the sky is covered than.. where is this light coming from..? That's.. really dumb. Is this like a dream-lag or something? This whole getup seems straight out of a fairytale! Honestly I thought my dreams would be a little bit more original.
I call out for him, but all I hear back are the echos of my own voice. I look around, and suddenly a huge red rose appears. I look in my hoodie, to make sure Baby-Bean is still there. Alright, she's fine and sleeping. I pet her tiny head gently and start making my way to the blooming flower, walking the best I can through the thick grass and small flowers at my feet. I honestly start wondering if some kind of fairy is going to be sleeping in the rose. And i'm not talking about the type of fairy Vince is, that would be homophobic. I keep walking and walking but I cant seem to be actually...moving. I look down at my feet, but Instead all I see are flowers and vines climbing up my legs. Holy shit.. Wait- Holy shit!! I'm getting eaten alive by plants! Fuck fuck fuck fuck im not going to die like this am I!? "I DONT WANT TO DIE LIKE THIIISS" I yell, but the vines keep pulling me down. So much for lucid dreaming! I never thought I'd say this but.. these plants are actually t-terrifying.. They're moving slowly, but somehow they're already at my hips. Is this what tentacle porn feels like?? It's horrible! I can feel the fear form in my throat and I start shaking. I.. I dont like this I reeeaaally dont like this..!I want to wake up! This is weird I dont appreciate this brain! I grab Baby-Bean from my hood and hold her close to me to protect her. As I sink deeper and deeper, I close my eyes and slowly start sobbing. I can feel the vines grab my neck and go up the back of my head..(This is a nightmare! I hate this! It doesnt feel good at all!) I think, As I finally get fully consumed by the plants and flowers.

For a while, I cant feel anything. I can't open my eyes or move, there's no more emotions flowing in my body. I'm not cold, i'm not hot, I'm just..numb. I cant feel anything physically either. Am I Dead? Is this what death is like? Just... nothingness?... That fucking sucks! Poor dead people jeez this is horrible! I'd rather go through that plant thing again!.... Well maybe not actually but still! I decid to try and take a peek, and as I slowly open my eyes, I get yet again blinded by a bright light. I'm back in the white void, curled up on the.. I guess you could call it a flour? I mean I can feel it and see my reflection in it but my shadow isn't there.. hm.. anyways, I stop my barely train of thoughts and quickly sit up to look at my hands. I feel relieved to see Bean there, still asleep and breathing. She seems to have gotten a bit bigger, but that's not what's important. We need to get out of here. Further away, I spot a silhouette. It's standing there, facing their back at me. "Hello??" I yell, only to receive my echo back back once again. I get up and start walking towards them. It's.. Holy shit-

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