Story Specifics

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The story takes place with cool spikey haired Stiles, but Allison isn't dead. So, it doesn't really have a specific season or episode as it's just as if Stiles has always had the spikey hair. So, the base line of the timeline is season 1 Scott and Allison get together and are still together throughout up until the second half of season 2. They break up but for my story I'm going to say they don't break up and stay together and Scott is still a werewolf. The only difference is they don't break up and the threats in Beacon are on hold along with the whole supernatural threats and dangers

So, the whole Argent family dilemma thing and Scott and Allison pretending to be broken up doesn't happen, and Chris instead is hesitant at first and he does threaten Scott but soon Scott grows on him and accepts Scott only for the sake and happiness of his daughter and if that means dating Scott, a werewolf then he'll try. So, I guess that is where the story will begin at the rough patch of their relationship, so it'll be in between when Chris first threatens Scott to stay away and where he grows on him. Anyway, I hope you'll enjoy the story.

I will be doing the story in Stiles Pov and now you know now I'll let you all continue on with reading.

I read a story once, but I can't remember the story, but they did their stories in one point of view then they suggested doing the story in a different Pov, so if you would like to have this story in Allison's point of view then let me know and I'll get on that. I hope you all enjoy the story

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