Part Five

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January 2019

It took Taehyun a while to fully comprehend what Beomgyu had said.

I have a girlfriend.

Taehyun rolled his eyes.

But I really really like you.

He smirked.

Beomgyu watched him closely, gauging for a reaction. "Tae... Please say something. You've just been standing there making faces for the past five minutes, and it's kinda scaring me."

"Are you going to break up with her?"

"I don't know. I need some time away from everything to figure things out."

The younger boy nodded, his hope restored. He held out his hand. "Let's go home?"

Beomgyu slowly shook his head. "I need a little time away from you too, Tae."

Taehyun swallowed the lump in his throat. "Oh. Okay. No problem."

He tucked his hands inside the pockets of his winter coat. "So I'll just, um, wait? And you'll come find me when you're ready?"

"Yeah... I guess." Beomgyu stared at the courtyard fountain, avoiding the younger boy's eyes.

Taehyun nodded awkwardly. "Cool. I'll see you at the dorms then."

He turned to leave.


Before he knew it, Taehyun was on the ground.

Beomgyu sat on top of him, clutching the collar of his winter coat. The older boy's eyes were wide and desperate as he leaned in to whisper, "You better freaking wait for me, Kang. No bullshit about running back to Heeseung."

"I- I wasn't-" Taehyun blushed furiously, trying to come up with a comprehendible response.

"You... I'll..." Beomgyu stared at the younger boy, upset. "I'll hate you forever if you go back to him."

He pressed his forehead against Taehyun's. "You make me feel things I don't want to feel. You suck."

Taehyun weakly tugged at the hem of Beomgyu's jacket, breathing shakily. "Just kiss me, you idiot."

Beomgyu's lips slightly parted. "I..."

He tore himself away. "I can't."

The boy curled up at the base of the fountain.

Taehyun slowly sat up. "Why?"

"You might've figured yourself out already, but I haven't. I'm not- I didn't-" Beomgyu ran his fingers through his hair, frustrated. "I have a girlfriend. I'm not gay. I- I wasn't gay."

Taehyun smiled, crawling closer. "You can like both, hyung."

He sat beside the older boy, leaning back against the fountain ledge. Beomgyu quietly sniffled as they watched the stars together. Taehyun pretended not to notice the silent tears rolling down the other's cheeks.

"Go home," Beomgyu eventually whispered. "I'll be there in a bit, okay?"


Taehyun couldn't sleep.

His shirt rode up as he flipped onto his stomach, one knee slightly flexed for comfort. He sensed the door to the dorm open and slowed his breathing, pretending to be idle. Beomgyu appeared at his bedside.

"I broke up with her," the older boy quietly announced. His slender fingers ran through Taehyun's hair. "Not for you, though. For me."

He faintly smiled. "Maybe a little for you."

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