I love you

577 11 16

Double update~💃😎💃😎

Back in the broadcasting room~

"It's them! What room is that?" On-jo asks "Cheong-san!, Y/N!" Su-hyeok shouts at the screen.

"They can't hear you."

"What are they doing? Where are they going?" Wu-jin asks as Y/N raises her hand holding the chair.

"Where are you going, you stupid morons?" Dae-su shouts.

"He can't hear you, Dae-su!" Joon-yeong shouts again.

"Didn't you say the battery was low?" Ji-min asks him.

"Yeah. I couldn't charge it, so it's almost dead." Joon-yeong sighs.

"Now that we know for sure where they are, let's go look somewhere else. You wanted to check outside and ask for help? On-jo, Su-hyeok is that okay?"
"Mm-hmm." The girl called out agrees.

"Now that we know they're alive." Su-hyeok says.

"Okay. Here it goes." Joon-yeong was about to take the drone towards the school ground.

"W-wait" Yun-jae stutters noticing something.

"What? What's wrong?" Joon-yeong asks him.

"Y-Y/N" he whispers and points at his best friend "her arm".

Everyone gasps as they notice her bloody arm.

Her white shirt's left sleeve was completely bloody, the blood dripping till her elbow because of the cut Gwi-nam had given her.

Even Y/N hadn't noticed how deep the cut was all the adrenaline from crying, running and thoughts of protecting Cheong-san were in her mind so they pain never got to her.

To her Cheong-san was the brother she never had.

He understood her better than her cousin brother, maybe because of the fact that they had a huge age difference between them.

She and Cheong-san clicked together the second they met each other.

But she did not click the same way with Su-hyeok which makes her think.

When did they click together?

When did they fall in love with each other?

Y/N was in a very good mood today.

It had been a week since she had dissed Myeong-hwan in front of the whole school and she was returning to school again today.

Why returning you ask?

Well even though the teacher was proud of her for standing up to the bully, but she had to follow school rules and suspend her for cursing in school.

She was suspended only for a week, while Myeong-hwan and Hyeon-ju were suspended for 2 weeks.

But the rest of his group were not suspended since they didn't do anything. 

The girl sighed happily as she set foot in the school compound, it was the start of something new and something good was gonna happen today she could feel it in her gut.

As she walked towards the classroom too immersed in her thoughts too see the six-foot boy walking in front of her.

She walks straight into his chest letting out an "Oof" she looks up at the boy. "Sorr-" Y/N stops as soon as she sees who she bumped into.

Lee Su-hyeok, her ex-bully.

"Sorry I wasn't looking where I was going" he says scratching his neck.

But truthfully he was looking where he was going, he just wanted her attention, so he accidentally bumped into Y/N.

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