Im lost

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Hi my love's.

If you've not heard yet, I will be releasing a new chapter on both of my main books either today or tomorrow probably today so I'd look out for that.

However, that is not what this is about. Recently, I've gotten a lot of messages regarding my writing in new books. Several people who have chosen to remain anonymous, for whatever reason, that's not my business, it's their privacy and I respect that. However, they have mentioned that they really enjoy my style of writing and how they love it but finding the books that they like to read and indulge themselves in is very difficult in the style of writing that I do.

So they have asked, they've simply requested, if it were possible for me to write a new book regarding specific scenarios or whatnot, that they are interested in, in my style of writing. And while normally going outside of the common, I guess, basis of the books I normally write is a little bit out of my comfort zone. Hearing how happy this would make them and their ideas and how extensive their ideas are has really inspired me to try new things and to step out of my comfort zone a little bit. I'd love to appease them and kind of challenge my style a little bit.

Currently, I am on holiday so I am not in school, meaning I do have the time to write. I have about a week right now. There's three main ideas and normally, I really just don't want to start like Three new books. Especially when as soon as holiday is over, I'm going to be super busy again, which is unfortunately why I've not been able to update you very often, as often as I would like, and I'm sure as often as you would love. all my classes are kind of preparing and getting ready for, I guess final exams. I'm not really sure some of them don't have that or anything but that and extracurriculars have been crazy. sports have been crazy. So I just have not had the time.

And I've as much as I push it amongst my readers and followers and whatnot. I've not been taking care of myself as much as I wish I had. So now that I'm on holiday and I've kind of come out of that and I have a little bit of a break and everything I want to really push towards my readers and get out the stories that everyone seems to enjoy.

So my main question for you guys is if you could help me out here because I don't think I have the capability of starting Three new books right now when I'm still going with these two main ones and obviously other ones that I may have a little bit of writer's block in or that I might not update as frequently as my other ones.

However, this summer, I'd look out for possibly finishing some of these books and starting new ones and just this summer there'll be a lot more writing because I'm not doing as much as I did previous summers.
So here are the ideas if you could just help me out. Anyways, here we go.

So number one was someone asked, in fact a couple people, had requested doing a cast mates story with the same people, Lizzie and Scarlett. And they wanted it to be like a child character or whatever, like savior type situation and everything and I think that's a lovely idea and I have an idea on how to run that in a very short story. However, my idea for that is not very extensive, I guess because I haven't done or read a lot of cast mate stories so that's something to think of.

However, the next few ideas are a little bit more of a stretch for me because I've never really done anything like that or read anything like that. But, the people that have given me the ideas for them and requested them have sent me some stories to read to kind of gain a picture of it. And normally while I probably wouldn't write stuff like this, the ideas that they gave me the basis of the requests and everything have really sparked some inspiration. So I think those books could be really cute and would work really well.

So the first one is an age regression base story and it's like a office AU, alternate universe if that's easier for you to understand. But basically Scarlett like owns this company, or whatnot. It's a very renowned company and Elizabeth is like her secretary where she works just under her, like directly under her and then you come in or the reader or whatnot, comes in and they are now working for this company or whatnot and I guess they don't know, or they do know or whatever that they are interested in age regression or whatever. And they basically goes through a very cute story. Thats a little bit angsty. There's definitely some a lot of fluff because I guess that's what I specialize in. And they kind of discover this about themselves and then the story kind of grows from there. And it develops into this cute very non traditional, yet perfect family.

Now, the third idea is based on that it's very similar. It's a very similar concept. However, it's in a college AU like a college based story. So Scarlet and Elizabeth are both like professors or whatnot and you have this girl who's just doing these classes for fun or whatever. And she kind of starts off on the wrong foot kind of comes in late or whatever. She gains the attention of both professors and they become very interested or in her and they kind of help her and then she kind of develops these feelings and doesn't know how to deal with it, but they do and she, I guess, they discover and kind of show her that this is what she's been feeling and she kind of learns that she's a... I can't think of the word but she's, I guess an age regressor because she's dealt with some awful things in her past. But like going from there, it develops into this very cute, non traditional family. And everything's kind of perfect and just settles out.

The three main ideas that I've gotten a lot of requests, asking if I could do something like that. And I just kind of need to pick one to start a story. I think any of them I would love to try. If I were to do the first one would probably be a bit of a shorter story. And if I did the other two, I think I'd like to go into more in depth and some kind of challenging, like traditional writing style, and kind of going out of my boundaries. And I think it'd be fun to try something new.

But the other option is if you guys really can't decide like I can't I could create a very short one shot book. I'd set up all the stories and everything and when I'm done writing I guess I post them all at once. So like if I finished the content for story one, I'd post that and then I pushed sort of two or three, whichever and everything it'd be like a one shot book. And if people like one of them enough like turn it into a book or we could just make this one shot book like continual thing for requests and whatnot, and for me to try out new books, and this summer, I'll pick some, I guess favorites, and we'll do a more extensive version of that. So if you could help that'd be great.

I know my views and my readings have been down a lot recently, and not as many people have commented as normal, but I just appreciate every one of you and I really value each and every one of your opinions. So helping me out here would be amazing for me. You guys are just wonderful. You've been so supportive. You don't even know me? I don't know you. All I know is that I like making other people happy and I like pleasing other people and whatnot.

If you don't know already I'm a very big people pleaser and I just love that for a lot of you my books have been seen and used as a little bit of a break from reality. And that you get that comfort in reading because it really is a comforting thing for me to do. I appreciate you all. And I really hope you were taking care of yourselves. And I promise that I will try my best to take care of myself better.

I guess the last thing I have to say is if you have any questions, or want me talk to or whatnot my messages are always open. You can contact me on here, on Instagram, or TikTok. I did just get to TikTok so that's fun. Anyways, I really love you guys. I hope you are having an amazing day and the day continues to be amazing. Love you forever and always.

EJ <3

If this was hard to read I had like five minutes to write it a on my apologies.

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