"Get down here!" Black yelled at me from the cafeteria."Why the rush?"I asked. "TERM!"he answered, I just realised I WAS LATE. I ran down the stairs, grabbed my backpack, got some bubble tea then stuffed some toast into my mouth and rushed into the drop ship. The others were in the dropship too. A few moments later, BEAR rushed in."Whaa.." I said. "Bear said he wanted to come."Rainbow said. A few hours later, a blue airship came into view. When we walked on to the viewing deck, a purple said to us all. "Welcome to airship academy"where you will learn to be a better crewmate and learn to debate. "
After we entered, we were led to our dorm. "Nice place"Cyan said.
"Well said" Orange responded. We put down our backpack then went to records, but when we entered it wasn't records, it was an ACTUAL LIBARY! "What did they do to records?"White asked. We walked towards the desk and said to the lime"are you here to get your student ID cards?" She asked. "After we got our cards we went to find Rainbow."Hi!"she said to us." We just got our ID cards"Player said."We were just about to get ours"Pink responded.After we all got our cards, we went to eat lunch. By the way, on the first day we didn't need to go to lessons. We looked on the map and Yellow said"it seems that the vault became the cafeteria". "You don't say...."Pink answered. Well... I'm hungry, anyone wanna grab a meatball sub?
White said" nah... Imma study our new subjects""Term hasn't even started yet" player said. But we let him be him, anyway, me, yellow, rainbow, cyan and player went to have lunch. After that we played a bit of minecraft and watched videos of screaming goats. Then we played among us and- wait...how does that work?