She Must Die

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Reader-chan's POV

First day of the actual tour. (Town near hometown). I have one or two friends that live here, but they're not BVB fans. Honestly, how can I be friends with these people?!

Apparently, Ashley's picking up his girlfriend, Jade ((A/N: let's just pretend some chick named Jade is his girlfriend XD I'm just like that)) She's a bitch, according to Andy. As much as I trust Andy's judgement, I'll believe it when I see it.

"Aaaaaaaannnnnnnndddddddddddyyyyyyy, waaaaaaaaake uuuuuuuup!" I groan, since Andy doesn't want to get his lazy ass out of bed.

"Five more minutes..." He sighs.

"No, get up now, Mr Andrew Dennis Biersack!" My eyebrows furrow ((A/N: don't ask why I used that word)) into a frown.

"Okay, mom." He mocks and slowly drags himself out of bed.

"OH MY GOSH, I JUST KILLED ONE DIRECTION!" Ashley and CC yell in sync, just completely out of nowhere.

"Well, good for them," I sigh at their idiocy. "Now would you mind helping me clean up this mess of yours?"

They'd left a bunch of blankets and pillows all over the ground from their 'fort'. These guys look so punk rock, but really, they're just weirdos that build pillow forts and read Hello Kitty magazines. You know exactly who I'm talking about there. *cough* Ashely Purdy *cough*

"Nooooooo..." They again, say in sync. If they continue this, it is going to drive me insane.

I run a finger through my (h/l) (h/c) hair in frustration. These people piss me off so fucking much! Most fans would kill to be in my shoes, but they have no idea how freaking annoying these dudes are.

"CLEAN IT UP NOW!" I shout, losing my temper at Ash and CC.

"Okay, okay." They say together and start packing up their mess. It's like having kids.

Once we arrive in the town, we go to the hotel we'll be staying at for two nights. Ashley's girlfriend is already waiting for is in the lobby of the hotel, and her and Ash give each other a casual hug.

We had gotten three hotel rooms; Jinxx and Jake in one, Ashley, Andy and CC in another (which wasn't a great combination...), and Jade and I in the last. Twas a perfect idea.

Jade and I set up our stuff, making a little bit of small talk.

"So, how long have you and Ashley been dating?" I ask Jade whilst making my bed more comfortable.

"Umm... Five years now." She answers, laying down on her bed. "How about you and Andy?"

"A couple of days." I reply, laying down as well.

"Oh cool, I hope it works out." She smiles, but it looks so fake. Everything about her is fake.

"Yeah, same with you and Ash."

"C'mon, we've been dating for five years, it's only a matter of time before we get married." She answers in a bitchy tone. "I'm really paying that you and Andy work out, since you only just met him and hardly know that dick." There's that fake smile again.

She must die.


1000 VIEWS!!! *has a party*


I just thought I'd add a bitch for drama. It's the way life works. You want drama? Add a bitch.

Again, that's for all the views, you guys are perfect, and don't let anyone tell you that you're not. If they do, tell me who they are and I will kill them, because you're beautiful.

-h.w o3o

Heart Of Fire (Andy Biersack x Reader) #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now