She had sat at the table in the dorm, knitting a lace lolita dress.

This was the 6th time she knitted today. A knock at the door echoed. She got up from the table and answered the door. "Hi Carly." a boy said. It was none-other than Trevor. Just Trevor. He had no last name. Just Trevor. "What brings you here to my door?" Carly asked. "Well I---" All of a sudden, a short girl with a pink ruffle dress and a pink satin bow on her head burst through the door. "Do not leave me in the corridor again!" she said. Her name was Rosie. Rosie had paper-colored skin, dark brown hair, and she was the shortest girl in the school. She was 4'5 and 12 years old. Trevor on the other hand was 5'7 and had dark skin. He always wore his hair in braids, which pointed out his smile. He didn't smile too much. He hated his smile because of the gap in his two front teeth. Rosie loved his smile. Carly loved his smile as well, but never said she did. "I like your dress." Rosie said. Carly was wearing a dark blue lolita dress. "Thank you, Rosie. You look splendid as well." "Thank you!"

"Uh oh, the R Train is pulling in!" another boy said. "Rufus, we know it's you. Come out, you all are just in time for tea and bread." Rufus was a short black boy, almost the same height as Rosie, but taller. Rufus had PTSD. "Ooh yay! Tea and bread." Rufus exclaimed. An hour into Tea and Bread, Rosie had already fallen asleep in Trevor's lap. "I think Rosie likes me." Trevor said. "She's so jittery around me, always wanting me to carry her and uhm.." "And what?" Carly asked. "Nothing good." Trevor said. "If she did like you, she would tell you someday." Rufus said. "Rufus, I'm 13 and she's 12." "So? That would still be legal." Rufus stated. "But still..!" " "Trevor, just state your problem and we'll help you." Carly said. "Fine. I...... like her too. I don't know how to tell her though." Trevor whispered. Rufus spat his tea out. "Dude?! Why haven't you told her yet?!" "I'm afraid that she'll say no!" Trevor screamed. He hid his head in his hands. "Trevor, don't be afraid to tell her." Carly whispered. "Yeah. We'll be here for you." Rufus said. 

The first bell rang and Rosie woke up in a snap. "Rosie, we have to go to Baking period." Trevor said. "Okay." Rosie exclaimed. "Goodbye, thanks for coming to Tea and Bread." Carly said. Rosie jumped into Trevor's hands and they were off to Baking period. "I have to go too. Sorry, Carly." Rufus said. "It's okay. Go to your classes. I'll clean up here." Carly said. "Thanks!" He said, leaving the room.

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