Chapter 25 Hero

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"No, you can't."

Dean Shen decisively refused.

Yan Zhou frowned, "Why?"

Shen Mian made it up as he went along, "I asked him to be the teacher for the cubs, and both Yan Tan himself and his uncle agreed. He will stay in the centre until the end of his vacation."

The Dragon Empire has a comprehensive set of laws that also explicitly prohibit cubs that haven't gotten their human forms from working, but it is common in childcare centres to have older schoolboys tutoring the younger cubs. During the long holidays, parents who are anxious about their cub's grades will also ask the older cubs to tutor their cubs.

After Shen Mian said that, he thought it was a good idea – Yan Tan was an elementary school tyrant1. While he couldn't get close to a perfect score on an exam paper with objective questions like Gian, his transcript was excellent in all courses. Shen Mian invited Yan Tan to teach make-up lessons, which will not only wear down the energy of the three cubs but also prevents Yan Tan from forgetting what he has learned while on break.

Yan Zhou froze for a while.

It was because he had seen the young dean spoiling Yan Tan in the live broadcast that he hurried over from Imperial Star.

Shen Mian slowly moved himself to give way, "I can take you to see."

After all, Yan Zhou is Yan Tan's legal guardian, his biological father, and if Yan Zhou insists on taking Yan Tan away, that will be a problem.

Yan Zhou subconsciously looked at He Xing. He Xing, who had no family status, shrugged, "This is a childcare centre, so just listen to the dean." The implication was that it's useless for him to talk.

Yan Zhou, "..."

Lieutenant General Yan was menacing. A little bit of air leaked out when he saw He Xing, a little bit of air leaked out when he heard him speak and now there should be half a can of air left.

Yan Zhou thought that this wasn't good. He came here to get his cub, It's all about momentum. If he keeps losing momentum, wouldn't he lose the battle?

Yan Zhou took a deep breath, but before he could speak, Dean Shen was already impatient and tugged at the door of the nursery, "Are you looking or not? Leave if you aren't."

Yan Zhou held the door with one hand, shocked by the strength of the other's hand, "I am."

Shen Mian took him into the centre and was about to lead Yan Zhou to the dormitory. Before going upstairs he noticed that the kitchen lights were on and asked He Xing, "Who's inside?"

Not only was it on, but there was a faint aroma coming from inside as if something was being stewed.

He Xing, "Not sure, I turned off the lights after I washed the dishes."

The housework robot was being charged, Dean Shen was saving his dragon grass in the backyard, Yan Huan took the three dragon cubs into the dormitory to do something and He Xing did the dishes alone and then went to accompany Shen Mian in the backyard to re-nurture the dragon grass.

When Shen Mian's light brain received the doorbell notification, he thought another one of He Xing's subordinate had come and dragged He Xing directly to the centre's front door to claim the subordinate, but he didn't expect that the one coming was not a scrounger but came to take his cub.

Yan Zhou's thoughts were filled with: Why does the crown prince have to wash the dishes himself?

Between Shen Mian's footsteps, he heard voices talking in the kitchen. The three little dragon cubs' childish voices were particularly distinct, in addition to this, there was also a very strange and clear girl voice.

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