Chapter Thirteen

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Cordelia's POV:

"Miss Goode, we have Madison down here. She's been sent out of her lesson again." This was a common occurrence for the young girl, at this point she may as well just reside in Cordelia's office for the remainder of the school year seen as she spent more time there than anywhere else. But neither Madison nor Cordelia would enjoy that very much.

"What has she done this time?"

"She uhm.." there was a long dreaded pause on the other end of the line which only meant whatever incident had occurred was something of the serious nature; she expected nothing less from the likes of Madison Montgomery. But it was only 2:00pm and Cordelia already had to break up a fight, and reprimand 2 girls who'd been caught smoking in the toilets. She hadn't had a chance to eat or call y/n yet and her mind drifted to the young woman, wondering what she'd be doing now. If she was still wearing her silk robe that was a little big on her but perfectly complimented her slender frame. Was she sprawled out in bed or taking a shower? Cordelia's mind drifted to that particular thought, a light crimson dusting her cheeks as a soft smile eluded her lips. Picking up her phone she sent the girl a quick text.

"I miss you. It's been a pretty hectic day, I'll call you when I get chance. I love you. <3"

Snapping her back to the present, the receptionist finally clarified what had happened. "She got into a heated argument with another student and when asked to leave to calm down she threw a chair across the room, almost hitting Mrs Doyle."

"Of course she did.." Cordelia mumbled as she gently massaged her temples, easing the early onset signs of a headache. "Ok, send her up."

A few moments later, an angry and rather smug looking Madison appeared in the doorway. "Madison.." Cordelia sighed as she pushed back her chair, standing and gesturing to the vacant seat in front of her desk. Huffing and puffing, the young girl reluctantly took the offered seat glaring daggers at the blonde as she did so. "You can wipe that look off your face for a start." Cordelia demanded but her voice remained calm and even.

Madison's jaw tightened as she tore her penetrating gaze away from the blonde. Cordelia could physically feel the flare of the girls temper elude her body, and if she was a cartoon character, steam would be whistling out of her ears right now. Cordelia's usual approach when faced with this particular situation, was to remain calm, cool and collected despite the frustration that bubbled up inside of her. It took a hell of a lot to get her angry, but if anyone was capable of rousing that emotion from her it was definitely 16 year old Madison Montgomery, and if anyone was able to get through to the young girl it was definitely Cordelia Goode.

"Miss Grant has already filled me in on what happened but I'd like to hear it from you." The older woman gently closed her office door before seating herself behind her desk. When Madison didn't answer, just impassively stared at the wall, Cordelia addressed her again. "You threw a chair that almost hit Mrs Doyle, correct?"

That question drew a small smirk to the young blonde's lips as her gaze swivelled over to meet Cordelia's. "Something like that." She shrugged, not an ounce of remorse washing over her features.

"Why?" Cordelia questioned, even though there wasn't a good enough reason in the world to excuse her behaviour.

"Because she pissed me off." She replied as though that was the obvious answer.

The older woman rose a perfectly groomed eyebrow at Madison's choice of words but decided not to address it and instead asked; "You were arguing with another student beforehand?"

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