Chapter 7

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Harvey POV

Me and Joey are walking up to school whenever Eba comes running up to us. Joey and I haven't talked much since yesterday, he left my house shortly after our small fight and didn't talk to me the rest of the night. He told me this morning on the subway he's doing better and that he was sorry. I also apologizes to him for what I said. I But this morning it was as if nothing happen. " GUYS! Did you the video of the Golden Dragger from last night." Hose says as we shake our head no. She rushes to her back pocket to grab her phone and to show us. I don't remember hearing anything about them. I would usually hear it from the news since my family has it playing almost every day.

Eba stops us in the middle of the sidewalk to show us a video. I grab her phone and hold it where we can all watch. A sluggish and static video pops up. " The video is super blurry, how can see anything?" I tell her as she puts her finger over my mouth. I keep watching to see a blue and gold dot come around the corner. I still can't tell what's going on. Then the dot vanishes out of nowhere. Then the video ends. "That's it?" Joey tells her. She seems shocked by this. She takes her phone back from me. " Hey Invisibility is cooler than just flying," She says to us. I know she is talking about that one Chaos Order member who saved me. A part of me still believe that he was saving me out of kindness and trying to trick me. He had more than just flying, he also had speed and ice. "He had more than flight," I tell him as we start walking again. " What?" Eba ask me. "The Choas Order member you're referencing to has ice and speed," I tell them as they look confused. "Oh?" Eba says out loud.

" So you gonna tell me what really happen that night?" she asks me as she grabs my hand. I didn't tell any of my friends what happens that night except Joey. I tried telling everyone I was hit by a ball in my throat, but none of my close friends believe me. "Nope," I say to her. I don't need my friends to worry about something that doesn't matter now.


I walk into my psychological class to the tables are split up into pairs of two. I look to the corner to see everyone standing to one side. This is my favorite class mostly because all of my friends are in the class and it last class of the day. The teacher is also a lot of fun, Mr. Carmen. Then I look over to the other side to see all of Charles's friend group and himself. This is the only class I have with any of them. Yesterday there didn't say anything to me but today there watch me as I walked in. I listen as the bell rings saying anyone in the halls is late. " Mr. Harvey, get to the wall" I hear Mr. Carmen tell me. I rush over to the wall and stand next to my friends. "What's going on?" I ask Lucas as he seems confused. "I have no idea." He says back to me. " Okay Okay!" He yells at the class. When he does this it means time to listen to him. " So we have a big project coming up and it is due tomorrow!" He says as everyone starts to boo. "Hey what do I always say!" he says to us sticking his hand over his ear. "Expect the unexpected." everyone says back to him. This man is crazy and I worship him for that. "So you going to be pair up in pairs of two to make a slide show over behavior patterns." He says to us. I look over at Joey and he shakes his head yes. I know that means that gonna be patterns then, usually when we do a project I do most of the work and just help present, and that works just fine with me. "Wait! Did I forget to mention that am pairing you guys up myself?" he says to the class. What? He has never done this before. " So listen up! Joseph and Charles, Phoebe and Nick, Harvey and Bethany, Teo and Kye, Lucas and Harrison." After that, I stop listening to Mr. Carmen. Am just happy that I didn't get stuck with Charles, but joey has him and after yesterday I know Joey is not the biggest fan of him. " OKAY! Split up" he says to us.

Before I can do anything Bethany is in my face. "Hi, my name is Bethany, but beth for short." She says as she put her hand out. She is a very chill person from the looks of it. "Hey, am Harvey. Umm, should we sit?" I tell her as I guild her to a table. The table has a paper on it, it's what we have to do. I look around I see Joey and Charles are sitting next to us. On the other side of us Kye and Teo. I look at Kye and he looks at me and rolls his eyes. I can tell he's not happy about his pattern. I look back at the paper. The paper is super thick and I have no idea how he expects us to do this in one class period. " There is no way we can get it accomplished in school," she says as she looks at the paper. She is right about that. "Yeah you're right," I tell him. I grab my laptop. When I look back at Bethany she is mouthing something to someone. "What?" I tell her. I turn around to see Charles looking at me, he winks at me. " Don't do that" Joey tells him. I turn away because I don't want to be in the middle of that. " HEY, do you want to meet up after school? Umm to work on this?" She says as she keeps looking behind me. "Yeah sure, where?" I ask her as she smiles. " Well, there's a nice coffee shop downtown, it's near Leesman community college," she tells me as she writes the address down. " Umm sure, I don't have practice today, so I'll you there," I tell her as grab the paper with an address. Am not sure if it's the best idea to just be trusting someone so easily, but I have to get this paper done.

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