Identity of Noir (Chapter 11)

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For quite a few days, I stayed below in the basement of the Agreste mansion. Chat Blanc brought me food, which I ate some of the time. He would talk to me, and I would try to reason with him. I did try to get him to understand, to let me go, and to let me fix the mess, but he would shut down and leave me alone. It just left me resenting him more.

"Princess," Chat purred to me, happy because I let him cuddle me. Honestly, I was trying to just get him all buttered up again, even though I knew in my heart is wasn't going to work.

"Yes Chat?" I asked, trying not to sigh.

"Will you stay near me, if I let you out of the basement?" He asked. My eyes widened, shocked that he would actually let me out. 

"Y-yes Chat," I said. Chat Blanc searched my eyes to see if I was lying, but found nothing. He nodded, and scooped me up, earning himself a surprised squeak from me. 

"I'll take you upstairs then," he said, "however, you're to stay near me at all times, got it?"

I didn't want to ruin this chance, so I answered with, "Yes Kitty, I promise." He grinned at the nickname, and carried me over to the elevator. 

"I can walk if I'm too heavy," I said. Chat pushed the elevator button with his tail, shaking his head.

"Never, I'll carry you," he said, and I snickered.

"My knight in bright white leather," I joked, trying to be nice to him.

"That sounds better than knight in black leather, huh?" He commented, happy that I was acting good.

"Depends on how you look at it," I said, not trying to start anything. I had just gotten out of the dark basement, and I didn't want to go back in.

"Indeed it does, Princess," Chat Blanc commented, his tail wrapping around my leg. I left it alone, not wanting to annoy him anymore. We rode up in the elevator quietly, just keeping to our own thoughts. It seemed that the basement was way down low, because of how high the elevator went. 

When we got to the top, I squinted my eyes at the light that filtered into the room. Chat put me down, giving me a look not to wander off. I stretched, walking around the room. It had many paintings of Adrien, and what looked like his Mom. I smiled at a photo of Adrien modeling when he was younger. Sniffing a little bit, I breathed slowly to keep from crying. I gasped slightly when I felt Chat Blanc's hands on my shoulders, not expecting him. 

"Did, did you know Adrien?" He asked me, scanning the pictures on the wall.

"I did, and even though we were friends, I had felt a passion for him," I said. "I liked him, and not because he was a model. He was kind, sweet, caring, compassionate..." As I listed off everything about Adrien, I didn't notice the single tear that ran down Chat's cheek, that is until it landed on my shoulder. I stopped talking as I looked up at him.

With Chat Noir, I always saw the sensitive side. With Blanc, however, this was a rare case. He was smiling, as a few tears ran down his face.

"Kitty?" I said, not even noticing that I called him that. He wiped away the tears, still smiling. For once, it was a genuine smile. "Why are you crying?"

"I'm surprised you haven't figured it out yet, M'lady," Chat said. "Maybe this will help you."

Chat Blanc stepped back, pulling his ring off. His costume disappeared, leaving...

"It's me Princess, Adrien." 

"Adrien?" I looked him up and down, putting the pieces together. The excuses, the running late, everything. He smiled when he saw the realization in my eyes. 

"Oh my gosh, Adrien, it's really you," I said, running over to hug him. In his embrace, he still smelled like cinnamon. When we finally pulled away, Adrien was grinning, and so was I.

"Do you know what this means?" I said, all excited. "We can fix everything, and you and I can be together. With my miraculous, and Bunyx's, it'll all be alright." I turned towards Adrien expecting him to agree, but was shocked when I saw him scowling. "Adrien, you okay?"

"You still don't get it," Adrien growled. He put his ring back on, transforming him back into the heartless white cat. He walked towards me, hissing slightly. I walked backwards, up until I hit the wall. I was so confused.

Chat slammed his hand down on the wall to the right of me. He gripped my hair, getting into my face.

"I've said it once, and I'll say it again." He looked me dead in the eyes. "It's just you and me, forever. We are never going back to the way it was." He kissed my lips, and I was too shocked to pull away.

He finally let go, and I stared at him in confusion. 

"But, Chat..." I started, trying to reason with him.

"ENOUGH!" He yelled. I shrunk back, scared of how he had changed. "Enough," he repeated, running his gloved hand through his hair. 

"Chat?" I asked timidly.


"Can we go upstairs? I don't feel like staying down here anymore." Chat Blanc smiled, and motioned for me to follow. We walked up the stairs in silence. He opened the door to his old bedroom, and I gasped slightly. No longer was it the room of a teenager. Everything was white, like pure snow. The bed, the couch, everything. He hopped on the bed, sitting down. 

"Come, Purrincess," Chat Blanc purred, motioning with his finger for me to come. I didn't want to, but I found my legs moving towards the bed, sitting at the edge. He grabbed me, pulling me backwards. I squeaked slightly, finding myself in his lap. He chuckled, kissing my head.

"I love when you squeak like that," Chat murmured, peppering kisses along my neck.

"It's because you surprise me," I shot back.

"Is that a bad thing?" 

"Hmph," I huffed, not looking at him. He smiled, looking at the pillows. 

"It's pretty late," he said.

"I wouldn't know, since you ruined the sky," I muttered. 

"Would you like to go to bed?" He asked. I yawned slightly, proving how tired I actually was. 

"Fine. But you stay on one side of the bed," I said, climbing out of his lap.

"Whatever you wish," he said getting under the covers. I did too, but kept quite a distance from him, and I closed my eyes. I started to drowse, but not before I heard the ruffling of the sheets, and felt a warm body against me. Chat!

I just left him alone, letting him spoon me. I smiled slightly, reminded of the old days with Chat Noir. I fell asleep, with Chat Blanc, and a restful night.

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