CH 5

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There was no denying the spring in Jennie's step when she skipped out of the subway entrance to head to a meeting with Chahee and her publicist. She felt as if she would float up into space. Her head was the clearest it had ever been. There was a soreness in her body that constantly reminded her of the fun she had a few days ago. With Lisa.

While Jennie hadn't called her again, hiring the prostitute was definitely Chahee's brightest ideas to date. Jennie was also sure that if she slept with any other prostitute, she wouldn't feel this content. It had to be Lisa, and she was delighted that it was. There was something about the escort. From her cropped, blonde hair that dared defy gravity, her rippling, sinewy frame, and her cock. Jennie shook her head to get rid of her obscene thoughts. She needed to be professional for this meeting.

Jennie entered another building made out of steel and glass with quartz floors and people in suits and ties traipsing in and out of the elevators. Along with three men wearing expensive suits and another woman wearing heels that could easily be used as a murder weapon, Jennie rode the elevator up to the eighth floor. Down the hall she went, into a small conference room. Inside, Chahee and her publicist, Dara were speaking in hushed tones.

"...needs a boyfriend, or else they would lose interest!"

Raising a brow, Jennie rapped her knuckles against the doorframe before walking in. Chahee had a small frown on her usually-smiling features. Sitting beside her, Jennie stared at her publicist. In her late thirties, Dara was in charge of the public lives of multiple famous actors and actresses, and now took it upon herself to lead Jennie's as well. "Hello, Miss Kim. So glad that you're here now." She shuffled her papers, her lengthy, manicured nails tapping against the desk. "I heard about your... altercation with Mr. Hanbin."

"Altercation is a funny word." Jennie shook her head and turned to Chahee. How could Dara possibly know? She was sure that Chahee wouldn't betray her trust like that. "But no, we didn't have an altercation. We broke up."

"Yes, yes." Dara waved her hand impatiently while she tucked a lock of her auburn hair behind her ear. "The question is, why? Can't you simply get over the fact that he's gay now and carry on pretending that everything is fine? You're an actress, aren't you? Can't you act?"

Jennie clenched her fists and released a slow breath. "No. I can't act regarding my personal life. I would prefer keeping my professional life separate from it. When I'm not being filmed or if I'm not on stage, I don't pretend. I'm only human, and I loathe being lied to. And that's exactly what Hanbin did. He lied—cheated on me. It's not that he's gay. I have gay friends. But he cheated on me with another person, on our bed!"

She fumed, glaring at the poised woman that was staring her down. If this was a test of dominance, Jennie would win at all costs. Even if it meant purchasing eye drops later. She would dare not back down, and she would not allow this requirement to have a public life direct her entire career.

To Jennie's relief, Dara sighed and shook her head in evident disdain. But it was she who looked away first. "Fine. But know this, Jennie Kim. You need a publicity boyfriend. If not Mr. Hanbin, what about your co-star? Mino something, was it?"

"No thank you." Jennie fumed. She clearly had yet to win the show of who was the actual boss. "I like my co-star well enough. But I don't even want to pretend that I'm dating him. He's not my type." None of them are sexy blondes with a cock that can make me forget my own name, Jennie thought. "I decline to forge a fake relationship for the sake of the media! It's horrible and it's a cycle that's going to have to end. Now."

The challenging look that crossed Dara's piercing green eyes did not waver Jennie one bit, or so she would like to believe. "Is that so? Do you really think you're the first rising actor who denied the long-standing tradition of PR romances?" She said with ice lacing her voice, her manicured nails tapping a terrifying rhythm against the desk's wooden surface. "Sadly for you, that's not the case." She smirked then and closed her stack of paperwork. "You'll have a choice. Consider yourself lucky; I rarely allow defiant actors and actresses a choice once they gave me the lip. You get to choose between your co-star and someone else. An eligible bachelor, preferably a struggling actor as well. I'll email Chahee a list." Dara ran a finger along her perfectly coifed hair and rose off her seat. "We're done here."

Where It All Started - SHORT STORY - Jenlisa G!PWhere stories live. Discover now