Was she his?

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All my feelings were around her, there was nothing else in my head, how can she be so beautiful? Was she real? I just couldn't find the right explanation to talk about how much I like her, and God knows, I really like her.

I was lying in my bed looking at nothing, this is how being in love feels? Isn't this supposed to be cute, and nice, according to everyone else it's an incredible feeling.

I've been "hanging" with her for about two months, it was nothing formal but, everything feels so real, there is only one problem, she has a boyfriend, don't get me wrong I didn't know, the day, I met her I couldn't take my eyes off her, no one was worthy of admiring her, she was alone, with her friends, she looked at me, our eyes connected and I felt a chill, we didn't have sex that night, we talked, we danced, and we drank together; at the end of the night I only knew her name, Maddy.

I didn't hear from that wonderful girl for a couple of weeks, she was the cause of my headaches, I no longer remembered the questions I used to ask myself before going to sleep as What am I doing with my life? Will I do well this semester? All of them were instantly erased, and in that place was her, there was nothing else.

After almost a month, I saw her again, she looked gorgeous in that pink sweater, but she wasn't alone, a boy was holding her hand, who was he? Why was he with my Maddy? Or perhaps she was his Maddy. I really didn't want it to sound so possessive, or like she was an object. Maybe I should ask a more accurate question: if she was with him because she wanted me so much?

We met at a friend's party, she explained to me that she was not longer interested in him, and that I was fed up, I agreed to go out with her that way, meeting at her house and mine, no everything was sex, we talked, we had fun, sometimes we just enjoyed the company of each other, but in the end, she was still with him.

Maybe and just maybe, she's my soulmate, the reason I exist, I was born to be with her, and she was born to be with me, it just wasn't the time yet.

I shook my head quickly, always overthinking things, my existential doubts ruined my mood, I had a party to go to be thinking about my disgusting situation, I fell in love, and this caused me enormous suffering.

I got up, took a shower, and got ready. I was so down, but I couldn't let down my best friend, the only one who has heard me cry for her.

I arrived as early as possible, I listened to music so I would have to think about her again. The hours passed, I was trying to have fun, until I saw her, she was standing in the doorway looking for something in her bag, she looked like an angel, -Is she a goddess?- I thought that dress made her seem very beautiful; an incredible desire to run to her and kiss her, as if that were the only paradise I would die to go to, everything was erased when the boy arrived and took her waist to walk inside.

My head was spinning, I didn't want to see her, not today, not how I am. I waited, sitting, drinking

until the alcohol burns no more, what does he has that I don't? He is an idiot. I took the last drink that my throat could take, and I went towards her, I checked that we didn't have "her boy" around, damn it, I wished with all my heart that I was her girl.

I kissed her, as if it was the last time I would do it, her boyfriend came, and he slapped me, called her a bitch, how do you stand that? Why don't you leave him and stay with me? He went out for the door, angry and about to cry, I saw my Maddy trying to go after him.

-Please, baby, look at me, we can be happy just you and me, you can't leave me.-

I told her in a desperate tone, she walked away and walked towards the door, my tears were on my cheeks. That's it? Are we done here?

-If you walk out that door, I swear you're going to forget about me, Mads.-

-I'm sorry Heather, I'm really sorry.-

The last words I saw come out of her perfect mouth, she left me, and I was reduced to nothing.

I'm heartbroken, and it's the only thing that reminds me that I still exist.

I'm heartbroken, and it's the only thing that reminds me that I still exist

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Hey there little demons!

This is Lucifer~

This is my first story I hope you like it, please give it so love. °3°

Disclamer, English is not my first language, but I  want to improve my writing in English, so If you have some feedback, please comment I will read all comments with happiness.

Give love to all my stories, I will be writing fanfic, and a little of everything.

We see you in hell my demons.

Take care, kisses.

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