Fleeing Hydra

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🎶🎵Help me, it's like the walls are caving in, Sometimes I feel like giving up, But I just can't, It isn't in my blood🎵🎶
(Year 1955)
Kai doesn't know how much time has passed since he was captured by Hydra, everything is so dark in his cell. 

Hydra have tortured him and experimented on him countless times throughout the time he's been there and he can't remember the last time he ate. 

One thing he does remember is the guard changes meaning he's alone for about ten minutes every once in awhile. 

That's when he is gonna act, that's when he's gonna get out of here. Of course, it took him awhile to figure out this plan, he just hope it works.

"Guards it's time to change positions now."

This is it, he can finally be free again. The guard who is standing in front of his cell leaves and now his plan commences. 

He crushes the lock and quietly pulls the cell door open, walking out of the cell and seeing a guard around the other corner. He sets off an explosion in his cell gaining the attention of everyone in the facility.

"Find him!!!!! He's your number one priority. We need him to complete this."

While they go one way, he heads the other but it seems too easy. Ah yes, there it is, the one smart soldier. 

The soldier aims his gun at Kai but before he can shoot, Kai speeds over to him grabbing the gun and breaking it before allowing Fang to take over and eat him. 

Once back in control again, he sees the exit and he runs towards the light covering his eyes as he has been in the dark for god knows how long. 

Kai shoots off into the sky like a rocket before pressing the button on his remote which makes the entire building blow up because of the bombs he set up along the way. He continues to fly until he can't anymore because of the exhaustion and hunger.

He lands in a small town, no idea where until he finds a sign that says 'Welcome to Dingle.' He is in County Kerry, Ireland. 

He decides to walk around hoping to find somewhere nice to eat. He finds a little restaurant that's open and pretty quiet so he enters, ordering a whole lot of food. Once he finishes, he pays and leaves the restaurant.

Now he has to live life on the run, avoiding Hydra for now until he has enough strength to teleport back to the States. He begins to wonder what year it is when he sees a woman walking by. 

"This is gonna sound super weird but what year is it?"

"Did you hit your head or something? How do you not know what year it is?"

"Please just tell me."

"It's 1955."

She walks away mumbling about how weird he is, so he makes the cake she was holding fall to the floor before making her face plant into it. 

He walks away smirking before heading to his old apartment only to find out it was sold but he finds all his things in his old neighbours house, she had kept them for him because she had a feeling he'd be back. 

He heads to find a place to build an apartment. He builds one pretty quick and heads inside with a smile, being able to create whatever you want whenever you want comes in handy sometimes.

Since escaping Hydra, he notices his body is covered in scars, something he hadn't noticed till now. He heals them returning to his natural body with no scars. He finds himself having nightmares and flashbacks to his time at Hydra that night. 

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