Chapter 2

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A huge black spike thing whizzes by my head. The next one is close enough to graze my shoulder. I feel it burning. With my luck it's poison that will kill me. I run until a car stops in front of me on the street. My mom's car. "Ames! Get in!" She yells. A black spike hits the car, making a dent.

I jump in the back seat and Willow scrambles in after me. "DRIVE!" She yells. My mom floors it. "Ames, call your dad. Willow grab weapons." I grab my mom's phone and call as quickly as possible. I watch Willow gathering weapons from under the middle seat as the phone rings.

"Tell him to message Chiron," My mom says like Chiron is real. I decide not to question it.

"Hello?" Asks my dad.

"Uh. Mom says to message Chiron." I say hesitantly, afraid he'll say I'm crazy.

"Holy Hera." Is his only reply before he hangs up. Ok, My dad is also crazy, like everyone else today.

Willow hands me a sword and shows me how it turns into a pair of goggles. "Made just for you," she explains. I put them around my neck just as we turn onto our street.

My mom pulls to an abrupt stop in front of the house. We all pile out and rush inside. We reach the kitchen and I come upon the second weirdest sight of the day. My dad has the sink sprayer on, aimed past the window so it will catch light. That's not the disturbing thing. Someone's face is projected in the spray. Again, What!?

"They're here." My dad says when we come in. "Chiron! They found Amelia! Monsters on their way, lots of them!" My mom says to the water picture. "I'll send Percy, Nico, and Ms. O' Leary to shadow travel you out, that will be fastest." Answers water picture 'Chiron.'

My mom turns to me. "I'm really sorry, Amelia. I wish we had more time to explain, but you have to trust me. The greek gods are real. All the things you read about, those things are true; the myths, the monsters, Poseidon, Hades, Zeus, Mount Olympus." My mom explains. By the way, my name is Amelia, people just call me Ames for short. "Really?" I ask in wonder. "Yes, really. Someone's coming to get us and takes us to a safe place for half- bloods." My mom answers, glancing at the door to make sure we're still safe. "Ok, I think I believe you. So I'm a demigod?"

That's when two of them land in our kitchen, coming out of the shadows, along with a huge black dog with red eyes. "Wow." I exclaim.

Two boys sit riding to dog. One has medium length dark, almost black, hair, sea green eyes a few shades lighter than mine, and a bronze sword in his hand. The other has shaggy black hair, pitch black eyes, and a black stone sword at his side.

The one with the bronze sword looks two or three years older than me and the other one looks my age. "I'm Percy, this is Nico for those of you who don't know. We'll take you back to camp half- blood." The older one says. He looked at me while he said it. I guess I'm the only one who didn't know.

Nico slides off the dog and walks toward Willow and I. "First time shadow travelling?" He asks. We both nod. I see my parents climb on the dog with Percy. In that split second something clicks. "Isn't that a hell hound?" I ask, pointing to the 'dog.' "Yeah, but she's on our side. I suggest you close your eyes." Nico says. He grabs my hand and Willow's wrist and nods to Percy.

We hear banging on the front door. I squeeze my eyes shut and we disappear.

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