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You woke up during the night feeling a ghostly chill in the air and a haunting sense of unrest. Silently you left your bedroom and made your way down the stairs and out the front door. You stood out on the grass in your pyjamas looking out beyond the plains of your home and into the forest beyond. A serene silence filled the air as a blanket of darkness cloaked the sky and splattered white flecks of light all across it. Despite the calming nature of the uneventful night your heart was still flooded with guilt and fear the internal conflict fought deviously within as you revisited the living nightmare.

Thick hot crimson blood trickled along the axe's iron blade down the rough wooden handle and onto your hands. Your looked up eyes wide with horror  meeting the oceanic eyes of Steve as he gargled on the foaming scarlet liquid. His diamond blade slipping from his fingers. His skin paling as his hands grabbed at his chest before collapsing  with a sickening thud onto the ground tearing the axe from his flesh. His eyes locked with your own before a few breatheless gargles left his mouth in an attempt to communicate. You messed up. You messed up. You messed up and it cost someone their life. Your brain went into fulltime overdrive as you began hyerventilhating panicking, staring at your hands. You intended to just scare him off, you didn't mean to kill him. You meant to hit near him, not actually strike him!

You could practically still smell the blood and hear the nauseating sound of muscle tearing. It made your stomach lurch and your throat tighten. Your racing heart pounded within your tensed chest. Thoughts of remorse running rampant through your soul trying to cleanse it of the repulsive memory.

Suddenly you returned to reality when a sensation of warmth engulfed your torso washing away the pain momentarily. "Why are you out here this late?" You heard a familiar low voice speak. You remained silent lulling over your reply before he continued "You still feel guilty don't you?" You nodded, placing a hand on the arms wrapped around you and looking up into the familiar white eyes of Herobrine. The soft glow that emanated from them gave him almost an etherial aura which you found comforting. Finally, you spoke with weakness "It makes me feel sick to my core." The white eyed man stared at you with concern. "Don't blame yourself, please. You didn't have I'll intent." He paused for a moment in thought. "Perhaps it's for the better. He was probably there to try kill me in my weakened state anyway." "Maybe you're right. But no one deserves to die, not like that anyway." You lamented.

Silence filled the air as the white eyed man laid back on the grass, pulling you down with him onto his chest. You turned over and breathed deeply trying to calm yourself. You tried to distract yourself by matching Herobrine's breathing, slow and deep in conjunction with his slower heart rate. Despite the gentle rhythm your mind was dragged back to the the vile sound of ribs cracking and flesh ripping.

"Hey look." You gazed upwards to see the stars Herobrine was pointing to. Using his finger he traced invisible lines connecting the stars. It seemed to vaguely resemble a bird. "It's called columbidae. It's said to resemble a dove." "You know the constellations?" you questioned. The white eyed man hummed in response. "I didn't take you as the kind of person to be into astronomy." you acknowledged staring up at the sky and feeling a sense of calmness slowly wash over your soul. "I don't believe in the whole star signs bullshit but I know enough to recognise each one." he let out a small laugh before continuing "It really is amazing seeing them." "You're right about that." you smiled. Before you knew it you had drifted off into a peaceful slumber in Herobrine's arms.

Herobrine X reader (Oneshots) (Requests Open)Where stories live. Discover now