Adding to his collection

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(Warning: contains gore)

Whilst moon ascended upon the land adrenaline pumped through your veins fuelling your body as you ran aimlessly through the thick dense trees in a panic running as fast as your tiring legs could carry you. Your heart was beating erratically as your thoughts ran rampant through your skull.  Your legs pulsated in agony and your lungs burned, silently screaming for oxygen but you had no choice other than to keep going. Quiet laughter echoed throughout the forest. It surrounding you, yet all you could see was the clusters of blurred oaks as they zoomed past. The laughter slowly grew maniacal as it rose in volume.  Then suddenly it went silent. All that filled the air was the eerie rustling of the leaves as a breeze glided between them. With exhaustion finally overcoming your body you slowed your pace bending over and pressing your palms into your knees as your chest heaved trying to greedily take in fresh air. You hoped that maybe you had outrun the vicious creature. Glancing in all directions there was no sign of the being.  The peace was short lived as your heart dropped into your stomach at the sound of a thousand voices speaking in unison "Where do you think you're going?" With that your stinging limbs pushed forward, trudging through the thick mud and scattered twigs. 'No, no, no, no,no, no!' you thought as they caught up.  You contemplated being so bold as to take a glance back but you couldn't. You couldn't afford that. Not now. Not today.

Weaving between bushes you kept your pace but regardless of how quick you were, no matter how determined you were to outrun the beast it managed to keep up, eventually you couldn't do it anymore. Your adrenaline supply had run dry and your legs buckled. Smashing into the filthy, gooey mud all air was forced out from your rapidly weakening body causing a wave of pain to wash over you. You kicked at the substrate below in a desperate yet futile attempt to escape the inevitable.  Scrambling to turn and face your doom, a chill ran up your spine. White. Glowing. Eyes.

Frozen like a dear in headlights you stared in disbelief recalling the various myths that surrounded the man approaching you. Expression seemed to be absent from his face. It was like he was staring into your soul. Kneeling down to meet your eye level, a grin made it's way onto his lips revealing sharp teeth that lined his mouth. He seemed to examine your features as his long nails raked lightly across your cheek leaving a mild stinging sensation on your face. The glowing spheres narrowed as the creature continued to inspect you. Examining you. What was he doing? Was he going to kill you?  "You'll do just fine." With those words he slammed you to the floor, placed his foot on your chest and pressed with such crushing force it was like an iron golem had sat itself on your chest. You felt your muscles begin to tear followed by a loud crack from your sternum accompanied  by an excruciating paim from your heart and lungs. You swear you could feel your very soul being squeezed out of your body like a tube of toothpaste. You tried to scream from the agony but not a word left your mouth, instead replaced by an thick reddish pink foam that bubbled out. No matter how hard you tried to breathe you couldn't get air. You coughed like mad as the foaming blood choked you up. Your vision faded and so did your hearing.

Once all signs of life were gone the white eyed being stared at the bloodied mangled mess beneath him with a faint smile of satisfaction. Summoming a blade to his aid he hacked away at the neck most of the way through splattering the warm crimson liquid across his face. Grimacing a little he wiped it from his eyes he grabbed the body at the root of the hair and at the shoulder pulling them apart. After a few hours of preparations he placed the  stripped skull upon a shelf adding to his collection.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2022 ⏰

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