The Spectacular Birthday Bonanza

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Deep within the Mazz Motors 5-star restaurant, the two lovers sat formally to finely dine in commemoration for the exclusive event: their birthday's.

It had been Maryam's the day before, and Hannah looked forward to her's being tomorrow. It was a special occasion, one only the two of them could have. Just like how only the two could have such a unique connection. And it wasn't just their WiFi connection when they'd do their daily call, no. It was the connection of their hearts.

Just like their hearts too, their fingers interlinked on the table. Round and draped in silky white tablecloth, both of their hands rested comfortably on said table. Though the fabric felt  smooth and soft to the touch - Hannah thought Maryam's dry texture of hands felt far nicer. Maryam? Well, she was obsessed with Hannah's perfect palms. She couldn't stop staring.

"What are you looking at?"

Maryam flinched slightly as the other broke the pleasant silence. Immediately looking up, the purple-blooded female met Hannah's hazel eyes.

"Nothing." She lied.

"Maz. Tell me the truth."

"Fine- Your hands. I can't help but sneak a peek more than an upcoming Marvel movie."

Hannah simply let out a loud laugh. Oh, how Maryam loved the sound of her laughter.

"You're MARVELlous. In fact, forget George's Marvellous Medicine. Liv's brother doesn't deserve that shit. It's Maryam's Marvellous Medicine. Alliteration."

Maryam felt her cheeks flush at the embarrassing compliments.

"I deserve that shit?"

"You deserve all the shit in the world, Maz."

Her heart felt attacked by a series of emotions. She was glad Hannah said that but, she couldn't help but feel a hint of envy.

"If I deserve shit, then- Why did you show everyone the shit in the PE changing rooms?"

There was a short pause.

"Are you.. jealous, Maryam?"

She shook her head in denial, somehow she found herself lying more to herself than usual. Why was that?

Hannah suddenly stood up, her black curls bouncing as she did the abrupt action. "Maz." She said seriously, watching her girlfriend with a stern look resting on her face.

"Why do you keep lying to yourself?! First at school, acting like we're not in a relationship- Like you hate me in front of your friends.. What's with that? Tell me why!"

Hannah realised what a commotion she was making, when she scanned the room and saw that all the Mazz Motor's employees, in their sweaty gear and polishing cars with a K and a backwards R, were staring at her. In a flustered mess, she sat back down because she had selective mutism as well as stage fight.

"I'm.. so sorry! Hannah, love, I feel so bad for ever making you feel that way!!"

"Is that sarcastic?" Hannah uttered.

"NO! Not at all, I just- Sometimes I don't want to talk to you because the truth is..." She paused hesitantly, gulping.

"I'm afraid. What if, people make fun of us? What if you- Though you did lay on my lap that one time, you didn't want to show our affection? What if my mum catches us again?" Her throbbing heart was pounding, feeling heavier than metal.

Hannah sighed. "Maryam.. who cares what people think? I'm not ashamed to show our love to the world. Plus, it's too fucking bad."

Maryam nodded, she couldn't help it as around Hannah her knees felt the compulsive urge to shake in submission. After all, she couldn't really argue with that logic.

"Fine, you're right. Thank you, love."

"When am I not?"

"Can we hold hands again?"

Before Hannah could reply with an undeniable yes, a waiter walked in between the two with their food. Cockblocked by a Mazz Motor's employee, absolutely gutting. It was vanilla cake, Hannah's favourite flavour (and Maryam's favourite kink).

"After, Maz. I'm fucking starving."

"You obese fuck." Hannah heard Holly's voice echo in her ears. She ignored it and paid attention to Maryam, who looked eager to blow the 14 candles.

"Maryam, no. Your birthday has already passed, what are you doing?"

"But I reeeeaaaally wanna blow them!"

"Aha?" With one swift puff of breath, the flames were put out. Hannah only did that to PISS Maz off. Maryam pouted, but her face lit up when Hannah began cutting her a slice.

With gratitude, Maryam gave a smile in which it was mirrored back. The two returned to their seats, greedily consuming their top tier Mazz Motor's frosty vanilla birthday delicacy.

"This is the best cake I've ever had."

Maryam shook her head in agreement, her mouth full of the fluffy delight.

"The frosting is amazing too."

Maz swallowed, it was more of a gulp in order to get her words out.

"...Can I say something inappropriate?"

Hannah sighed, shaking her head slightly. "Go on then."

"Can I eat YOUR frosting, love?"

Silence once again. But not necessarily awkward. The two fell into laughter shortly afterwards. It took Hannah a good few minutes to calm down because Maryam did have frosting on her face.

"I think you want me to eat yours."

Hannah stood up and leaned over, moving Maryam's head to face her. Immediately, she licked the frosting off the corner of her mouth. She sat back down, silently and acting innocent.

Maryam, however, looked extremely shocked to the point of her eyes widening.

"I was only joking!"

"I wasn't."

Maryam covered her mouth with her sweaty palm to hide a visible blush, her cheeks flushing with heat abnormally. Hannah laughed.

Cooling down and gaining back her composure, Maryam finally had the confidence to speak up again. "I actually got you a present."

She wasn't expecting that, she didn't necessarily NEED a gift. After all, Maryam was already like a package wrapped up in Maz-shaped flesh and sent like a gift from Allah. That was probably why everytime she looked at Maz Hannah subconsciously said 'Alhamdullilah' in her head.

As Maryam scrambled to find the present in her iconic backpack, Hannah waited patiently to see what it was. She pulled out a (wallah?) small velvety box. It was a deep shade of green and Hannah could've sworn she saw herself in that little box.

Maryam suddenly got down on one knee...Could this be what Hannah was yearning for in her wet dreams that were made of this?

"Sorry wait, I need to tie my shoelaces."

Hannah looked exasperated, sighing with disappointment as she examined Maryam tying  up her purple glittery laces. But when she finished, she didn't seem to get up either.

"Hannah... *insert name 7 times* pause my Shokair. Will you marry me?"

Hannah practically fell into a sea of salty tears. She was so happy, she couldn't help but cry and Maryam began crying with her, her black eyeliner running heavily down her cheeks as if she was in a Billie Eilish music video (which was why she wore the eyeliner in the first place in order to attract Hannah). Once Hannah's face finished being washed in tears, she was willing to give an answer.

"Fuck yes Maz. Of course I'll MARRYam you." Maryam had the courtesy of putting the ring on Hannah, which had an 'L' carved into it but this time it was made out of real silver.

They hugged and walked out of Mazz Motors hand in hand without paying for the bill and smiled at one another.

"This was the best birthdays ever."

HanYam: The Birthday Special!Where stories live. Discover now