Following the road (based on Egyptian gods)

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Before I begin...

Copyright © 2014 by Abigail Godwin

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without prior written permission of the author... and so on...


Genre: Fantasy, Adventure, Historical

Based upon: Slavery and the Egyptian gods

Warnings (?): There may be slightly violent scenes however these may be made more simple so be less graphic and violent if it is needed.

Cover- Once designed will be placed on the side

Blurb (subject to change upon release) :

   Anne has spent her life in slavery, she was born straight into it and hasn't known different. However, that doesn't stop her from dreaming of freedom or mimicing the path of her mother who had prayed to the gods in hope of seaking aid to make her bid to freedom. So when a mysterious boy who seems far too calm to be a slave appears, it is no surprise that Anne is instintly drawn to him. Was he a gift from the gods? Or is this boy the start to a turn of events in Anne's life?

(Apologies all, I am terrible at writing blurbs currently.)

Story snippet (please vote if you find you enjoy this)-

  "Be prepared young one..."

 Anne's head flashed up, her blond hair whipping around as her blond locks began to settle around her tanned face, framing it slightly.

  "Be prepared for what?" Curiosity flickered through her ivy flecked gaze as she spun in a slow circle. Around her legs her muddied slave dress stuck to her thighs. 

  "Can you not work it out... Anne?" The echoing sentence caused her to freeze in place, causing her shackles to clang together.

  "If I could work it out I would not ask you; would I?" A small smirk played on Anne's lips before she shivered as a small chill caused her veins to freeze before the chill which had frozen them melted. Around her figures stepped out of the shadows, one by one. Each one using the hoods to their cloaks to hide their faces. 

  "Watch your tongue. We did not have to warn you young one." Chills spread around the figures, seeping into Anne who began to shake despite there being no wind. 

  "What do I need to be warned of? Why do I need to be prepared?" Silence filled the room where they stood. 

  "Its coming Anne..." The nearest figure stepped forwards and reached towards their hood.

 "What is coming?" Anne stumbled back, away from the near figure before she stumbled to the ground, tripped by her shackles.

  "Your freedom is coming."


Anne's head snapped up, fear filling her eyes as they flashed open and darted around. The sound of loud heartbeats deafened Anne for a moment before the similar sounds sunk into her mind. The clangs of metal hitting metal and whips cracking through the air vibrated to her ears. Slowly she stood and rested the palm of her hand against her head with a small groan.

  I feel weird...


  Anne shook her head. She frowned and stared at her shackle bound wrists which were settled upon her lap.

  I had a dream...

 I had a... warning...

  Anne's brow furrowed as she walked through the building where she had been sleeping. Confusion continued to pull on her mind. She stepped out through the doors and held her tongue as desert sand lashed at her bare legs.

  I had been told that my freedom was coming...

 Anne sighed and stared up at the sun as she walked to a small line of slaves, awaiting their morning meal of the day. 

  But how could these figures -whoever they may be- know that my freedom was coming?

 Anne bowed her head at seeing a soldiers squinted gaze rest on her face.

  They couldn't have. Unless...

 A spark of hope momentarily blinded here before flickering away as the serpent of doubt clung to her mind. She shook her head once.

   It wasn't possible. What she was thinking; wasn't possible.

 She shook her head for a second time and shuffled along the line as those ahead of her moved forwards.

 The figures, the whole dream, had just been an illusion created by her desperate mind to highlight her desperate situation.

 Her desperate situation in a desperate time...

 Anne picked up a tray from the small stack of some-what cleaned trays and held it out, waiting for the slump to be dumped on it.


That would be a dream for a slave like her.

For all those who are now interested to read this story please vote, leave a comment and follow me. It all goes towards encouraging me to release sooner after all.  -A

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2015 ⏰

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