intro ( my oc details )

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name: Vanesa mason

hair color : blue that falls into bright red

eye color: bright blue (sometimes red )

personally: lover of everything sweet kind shy

secret : never lost virginity

bffS: cupa (creeper) and endy(boy version as humans though)

wears: black hoodie skirts and sunders (SOMTHING THAT clips onto the skirt down to her socks ) blue tee hair up most of the time

family Kyle and aunt snow

special/secret powers: (doesn't find out until she gets reaaaallly mad) teleapathy mind control weather and ice

favorite music: cannibal by ke$ha scarsm by get scared and teengers by my chemail romance set the world on fire By BVB the bad girls club By Falling in Reverse


name Kyle mason

hair color/style: swooped to the right black jet hair color

secret:has a crush on sister (your probably like wdf this is my friend's oc )

bffs: joey and Daniela

wears; red tank top, skin tight black pants snake bites , hat that's says meh

family: snow and Vanessa

powers: fucking up things for vanessa lol

favorite music : BHML by two chains wiggle by Jason droola (CNT SPEELLLL) set the world on fire BY bvb gold britt Nicole walk on the water also by her timber BY kasha and pittball

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