What If? Heathertail x Lionblaze

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Pride surged through Lionblaze as he crept out of the camp and to the tunnels. Two sunrises ago he had become a warrior, and he was excited to tell Heatherpaw. Maybe she's not even Heatherpaw, maybe she is Heatherpelt, or Heatherheart or Heatherfang or Heather- Lionblaze was cut off his thoughts when he felt his foot fall into a tunnel. He was here.
Letting his whiskers guide him, he walked into the tunnel, finally arriving at DarkClan camp. Heatherpaw wasn't there yet, so he settled on the ledge where Heatherpaw played as Heatherstar. Only a few heartbeats later, the she-cat came padding in.
"Heatherpaw!" he exclaimed happily, pressing his muzzle into her shoulder.
"I'm not Heatherpaw I'm Heathertail!" she meowed happily. Lionblaze waved his tail.
"I'm Lionblaze now!"
"That's cool! Here, I got something to tell you." Heathertail led him to a darker spot in the cave, although no one could hear or see them. "Well?"
"Um... well I'm expecting kits," whispered Heathertail lowly. Lionblaze's heart dropped and swelled at the same time. These kits were against the warrior code, but he always wanted to be a father.
"That is great!" meowed Lionblaze. "When?"
"In about a moon. Well, are you ready to play?" she asked. Lionblaze nodded to his mate, and they played in the tunnels until dawn.
When Lionblaze arrived at camp, Jaypaw was sitting near the medicine cat's den. Lionblaze's heart dropped, for the gray cat could read minds. Lionblaze put Heathertail and the not-born kits aside. "Hi Jaypaw," meowed Lionblaze carefully.
"Hi Lionblaze. Who's that golden cat you keep thinking of?" hissed Jaypaw. Lionblaze's eyes flashed with fear, but he had an idea.
"Me. I'm golden, right?" Lionblaze raised his head and stalked to the warrior's den, to settle for a quick nap. But the golden tom couldn't sleep. Who would help Heathertail give birth if she was in the tunnels? What if one kit had Firestar and Leafpool's coloring? Soon, these questions were taken off his mind.
"Greetings Lionblaze," meowed Sorreltail. "I'm leading a hunting patrol with Brackenfur and Hazeltail, could you come with me?" Lionblaze nodded and shook debris off his pelt and padded out of camp with the patrol.
"Sorreltail, can I hunt near the WindClan border?" asked Lionblaze.
"Sure." Lionblaze padded off and to the stream. He sighed softly as the cool air got into his nose. Worries were shaken off his mind, like greencough Millie might have caught and the prophecy.
"Lionblaze!" hissed a voice. It was Heathertail, limping down the hill on WindClan side. Lionblaze hadn't noticed the night before, because it was too dark, but Heathertail's belly was swelled a little bit. "Let me on your side!"
Lionblaze grabbed the scruff of Heathertail's neck and pulled her over the stream. They hid in a clump of bracken. "Why'd you come here?" asked Lionblaze.
"Because I don't have a mate in WindClan. Who will I tell them it is?" meowed Heathertail softly.
"Who doesn't talk a-" Lionblaze was cut off.
"I'll say it is Bluefrost. He died one moon ago, most cats don't know he even existed." Lionblaze nodded slowly.
"Okay then, do you want me to help you back over the stream?" asked Lionblaze helpfully.
"No, I'm fine." Heathertail swiftly limped out of the bracken, and onto the moor. Lionblaze sighed, and soon returned to camp with a mouse and three voles.
That night, they didn't meet, for they already had. For the next half moon, they talked about the new kits, not bothering to play DarkClan. Heathertail kept on growing bigger and bigger. Soon, on the night of the Gathering, Lionblaze was chosen to go, and so was Heathertail.
At the Island, Lionblaze dug his claws into the log and made his way across. Heathertail was sitting a little off from WindClan, obviously waiting for him.
"Shh... don't talk, there are too many cats," she whispered. The two cats waited in silence until the Gathering was over. Firestar made no comment about Greencough in camp, so everything went peacefully.
A few sunrises later, the mates crept out to the tunnels together. They greeted each other, and then a pained expression crept onto Heathertail's face.
"The kits... they're coming." Lionblaze's eyes filled with panic. He wasn't a medicine cat, and there was no way he could get Jaypaw. He didn't even want to watch, but this was his mate.
"Okay, Heathertail, just relax and push." A ripple spread through the she-cat's body, and a little bundle dropped on the stone floor as Heathertail let out a wail. How many more were coming? Lionblaze put his paw on his mate's body and felt three more. Three more!
"Again," demanded Lionblaze. Heathertail shrieked as another bundle fell out. Lionblaze starting licked the kits.
"You're doing fine," meowed Lionblaze. Another kit fell out, this time Heathertail just sighed. Lionblaze smiled.
"One more." Heathertail pushed, but nothing came. Pain flashed in her eyes as she tried and tried again. Soon, a bundle fell out. Heathertail sighed with relief and weakly got up to look at her kits. Lionblaze licked them and nipped the sacs open, placing them at Heathertail's side. All of the suckled except one. It was dead.
"Thank you Lionblaze. I love you, you helped me even though you didn't know how. Even the little dead one thanks you. I would name her Blazekit, for you." Blazekit's pelt was gray, and the two other she-cats were ginger and gray, while the tom was light brown.
"How about the tom's name is Sandkit?" asked Lionblaze. Heathertail nodded.
"The ginger she-cat will be Sunkit, and the gray she-cat will be Dreamkit," meowed Heathertail softly. "I must bring them home now. You are a great father." Heathertail pushed Blazekit to Lionblaze. "Bury her. You deserve her." Lionblaze felt tears well up in his eyes and he picked up Blazekit. The she-cat's eyes looked up at him, as though she thanked him. Heathertail picked up her living kits and headed away.
Lionblaze smiled, buried Blazekit near the tunnels, and padded back to camp, happily.

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