seventeen- Garlic

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"Where's your frying pan?" She asked. In the oven.


"Got it, butter? Wait- found it." I looked towards the kitchen. "Bread-"

"Oh, no, I'll do it." I pushed myself up and went over to her. I only have garlic bread.

"Why- oh, you only have garlic bread." She laughed.

"What?" I questioned as she grabbed the bread bag

"I love garlic." I screwed up my face.

"I was sure that's the one stereotype I would have gotten right." She laughed and opened the bag, putting the bread on the counter and reaching for the butter.

"Well, yes, to a point. My breed is the only one able to eat it if we are born human."

"Oh." I sat on the stool and watched her as she cooked.

"She is sorry." I looked away. "I didn't mean to listen; you were just... you don't think quietly." She stared down at the frying pan. "She wants to earn your trust back... honestly. She heard about your... suicide attempt and wanted to visit you, but Cece wouldn't let her. She tried to OD but-"

"E," I mumbled. "I don't want to know anymore." I sighed. "It's nice having her back, but... I keep having weird dreams about..." I shook my head. "Just... weird things, and I-" I sighed.

"How's your head?" She asked.

"Fine..." I looked away. My phone started to buzz, so I got up going to grab it. "Hello?" I mumbled.

"Hey, you're awake? How are you feeling?"

"I'm good... yeah, I've been to sleep a few times."

"Good... is- uh, E there?"

"Yes, she's getting me food." I was going to walk away, but she'll read my thoughts anyways. "Why are you so ok with her being here?" I mumbled.

"I've changed a lot- since... when you feel better, can we go out?"

"I don't know, Jade..." I sighed.

"At least let me explain."

"Ok... are you ok?" I asked.

"I did a blood draw and fucked up, so I need to... re-study it. I need to practice more."

"Practice?" I asked.

"Yeah, they are giving me the stuff to take home and practice."

"You can practice on me." I volunteered for some weird reason, and E raised an eyebrow.

"Really- shit, I got to go." She mumbled as someone called her name.

"Ok," I mumbled, pressing end, and E laid the plate in front of me.

"What else can you do? Besides, reading minds."

"Uh, I have inhuman strength, flight, telekinesis, and I'm working on shape-shifting, healing, and visions."


"If I get hurt, I instantly- almost instantly can heal it. So I'm trying to project that to heal others."


"I can read minds; I'm trying to put my thoughts in others' heads."

"Wow." I mumbled, taking a bit of the sandwich, and I felt sick again. I laid my head in my hands and held my breath for a second.

"Here-" E sat in front of me and held out her hands, I looked at her, and she laid her fingertips on my forehead. I closed my eyes, and after a second, the pain slowly receded. Just as I could breathe again, a memory entered my head. The redhead girl- Annie, was crying, and E was standing behind her. She quickly pulled away, and the pain came back in a wave.

"Ah." I grabbed my head. "Who's Annie?" I asked.


"Who's Annie? Is she your girlfriend?" I asked.

"She was."

"That's why you're ok with Jade."

"I never said I was ok with Jade- and... Annie is the first..." my eyes widened.

"Did you kill her?"

"Jesus Christ, no. She's you, Vivian." She snapped, angry.


"She's the first past life I remember having with you."

"We've had past lives together?" I mumbled, and E sighed.

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