poppy's bakery

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Starting the Friday morning routine, Y/N clicked her key open into the store. The smell of fermented dough filled the room as she walked right in, hanging her coat on the staff coat rack. The other two staff Yeri and Ji Hoon walked behind her still half asleep.

It's 4 in the morning, a baker's most crucial and important time period. The perfect time to start working on the magic. "One of you can start setting up the front and the other can help me with the back. When you're done, lock the front door and meet us at the back. It's a Friday after all we need as much help with the pastries." Y/N chimed as she swiftly wore her floral apron and tried her hair up.

Yeri who volunteered to help Y/N with the back of the store also followed lead, stopping herself to read the daily to do on the black board next to the entrance of the kitchen. Amazed at the list of pastries and good to be baked in less than 4 hours she stood there in awe. "Noona, you sure we can get this done by 8?"

Y/N peaked her head from the curtain blinds and popped in a smile. "Yes we can , hurry up I'll show you how easy it is." With that the two entered the mellow smelling kitchen. "Ah Ji woon, remember to set up Manon's set up as well!" Y/N yelled at the curtain door before turning her attention back to the countertops.

Each countertop had lumps that were covered with a soft transparent cloth. Grinning from eye to eye, she slowly took them off to be welcomed with beautiful poofed dough. They came in all shapes and sizes and colors. Yeri just stared in awe at how many varieties lay in front of her. Y/N who noticed chuckled in response.

"Amazing isn't it? They even more beautiful when we've baked them fresh." With that Y/N dusted her palms with flour before taking up one dough. "How can I help?" Yeri perked up.

Pointing at a roster pasted on the wall Y/N started to knead a dough. "See what sandwiches we are to make today and start cutting up the ingredients for it. Make sure to follow is guide book in the bookshelf over there on how to slice your ingredients." She pointed at the small bookshelf that homed a handful of recipie books and guide books. "Once you've done that, help me out by rolling out the Puff pastry dough. I'll be with you after I've knead these and teach you how to make croissants." With a flashing smile the duo went on with their own chores.

Meet Kim Y/N, a baker with PHD in Boulangerie. And the owner and head baker of Poppy's Bakery. Y/N is one of the most passionate people when it came to baking. Her love and compassionate care for bread was all what began this amazing journey. Loved by all her friends and family and her coworkers as well as her students, Y/N lived a carefree life. Blessed not only with outstanding skills but with the most unbelievable beauty, it hard to resist a smile from her.

With a bubbly personality, she managed to have stolen the hearts of many people. She was what the many people called the Cute Baker next door. Y/N has run her bakery for 6 months so far and managed to have a stable start. Taking up two apprentices she was really going in the best way she could ever dream of

Poppy's bakery is a bakery specializing in French bread and pastries. Most famous for their sandwiches and fresh baked bread, the store was already pretty famous among many people. Also harboring many customers is the mascot cat Manon, a Ragdoll cat that lazes her days off with pets from lovely customers and pieces of ham. Ji Hoon and Yeri are baking school students who joined under Y/N for experience.

The bakery was regularly visited and many returning customers from all parts of Korea would visit just to try many of Y/N's creations. Her love for baking was truly visible through her amazing products. This is what Y/N truly was looking forward to. Making people happy and satisfied.

Friday was a typical day and most likely their most anticipated day of the week. Customers would sell out the bread and items from the shop, making sure they got their hands on some bread for the weekend. Explains why the trio was up even earlier than usual.

Y/N swiftly moved around, making sure she double knead and poofed up the dough before covering it up for its recommended time. She was fast, and extremely elegant when it came to her baking skills. It was so surreal and flawless you'd have ti blink repeatedly to see if you were actually dreaming at how perfect it is.

Friday bread list ♡
- Baguette (4 types of sandwiches, 10 loaves)
- Sourdough (two loaves)
- Rye (two loaves)
- Brioche (bread pudding tubs, four loaves)
- Ciabatta (2 types of sandwiches, 4 loaves)

Looks like a lot, but Y/N was confident that she could be ready to open up the store at 8:30am sharp. It wasn't long until she was already done with her share of the work for now and shifted into to helping her apprentice Yeri. At another counter top, Yeri was cutting up the ham and cheeses needed for today. With Y/N guiding her along the way the two finished up quicker than usual.

Moving onto pastries, they duo were in great shape as they tested the cinnamon knots and filled the heart shaped danishes with custard and fruit before they plopped it into the oven. Don't forget the bread loaves were also in the over now. Ji Hoon who was done setting up the front, came into the kitchen tying a bandana on his head. "I've set the coffee machine up, cleaned up the customer area, polished the cutlery and started up the cash register. Once it's close to opening time I'll wipe the windows and display. And yes, locked the front door. Anything I can do for you?" He says while taking a seat on the bench.

"How about you guys take a rest in staff room? I'll make you guys some breakfast." Y/N smiled at them as she started the stove top and pulled out a pan. The two agreed on it and helped her set up their table in the back room.

After a while, Y/N plated up three delicious smelling Croque Madam's on each plate before helping herself into a seat. "You're so amazing at this!" Yeri beamed as she took a picture of the meal in front of her. Ji Hoon agreed as as dug straight right it and gasped at his first bite. "It's so delicious, you're the best Noona!"

Y/N patted their backs as she took in the sweet praises. She knew they had a hardworking day ahead, it's what she could do to get them all ready and rolling for opening. And she cut into her meal she smiled ti herself.

This is such an amazing feeling. I'm so glad they like it.

Y/N didn't know that an amazing and life changing event was about to occur in a couple of hours. And how much of a huge and heartwarming impact this would cause.

Chapter one — END

it's been a long while since I've wrote but I hope you like this! Just a bit of an info on Y/N here. Next chaps will be fun to read and have more context :)) stays tuned lovelies 🤍.

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