Little Miss Haunting

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"Ghosts aren't REAL!!!" I yelled back at Ron. "How do you NOT know that?" Ron sighed. We were in a heated debate about whether ghosts are real, or not. Of course, any stupid person would think that they're real if watching creepy "ghost" footage, of which they're "real" in that video.

Trust me, I've seen those videos with Ron, and nothing, nothing proved to me that they were real. They were just probably projections or costumes or even edited after the video was made. Of course, ghosts couldn't be real because then for SURE I would've been convinced that they were real. Duh.

But whenever I mention that to Ron, he always laughs, trying another way to prove to me that ghosts are real. He'd show me the fifteenth in a row video of "footage" or ghosts "footprints" that weren't real. He probably made those fake footprints, maybe trying himself to prove to me about ghosts.

"Want me to show you a video, Darry?" Ron asked me, taking out his phone. Then I couldn't take it. He already showed me many videos today and this entire month so far. I don't think I got a day ever since I met Ron where he hasn't tried to prove to me that ghosts aren't real. And I knew him for a long time.

In our college dorm, I share a room with Ron, and it's just over and over again, trying to prove to me that ghosts are real and in this world.

"NO!!" I yelled in his face. "NO WAY!!!! GHOSTS AREN'T REAL, AND YOU SHOULD PROBABLY KNOW THAT!!! YOU KNOW WHAT? I WANT TO GO HOME!!!!" Ron gasped as I yelled those words at him. It looked like he was going to cry. Then I felt a slang of guilt.

"Sorry," I told him. "I was just a bit mad."

I then looked up at the sky, which was turning dark. "Ron, we should go back," I said. We turned around from our hike to go back to our college dorm. We were taking a nice hike, to get a break from college life and to just go into nature for the weekend. It was pleasant. Just me and Ron, all alone in the dazzling woods with animals. No one was there, just us.

But then, something was missing. No, not any of the supplies that we brought, some food and a first aid kit just in case anyone got hurt. No, we checked that we had that stuff. What was missing?

"THE TRAIL!!" Yelled Ron super loud that he scared me like I just saw a ghost. "D-Darry, where's t-the trail?"

I then gasped. The trail! We were off the trail. We must've got so heated up in our debate that we somehow walked off the trail! Man, I should've checked that way earlier instead of yelling about stupid ghosts. Now we had to find our way back somehow. We both then felt so foolish.

Ron then got his phone out and started to call for help. But no one answered because there was no cell phone service all the way out in the woods. Man, we must've stumbled off a LOT, talking about stupid ghosts. I can't believe that a false myth that no one believes.

Now we were both scared. It grew darker rapidly, and we had no way back. None of us brought a sleeping bag because we thought that we'd be back by now, and who KNOWS what could be out in the woods.

I then clicked on my flashlight and then scanned it across some trees that I couldn't see without my flashlight. It was terrifying. What will we do? How would we sleep? What would happen if a wild animal started to come? None of us had planned these things.

We decided to yell for help. We hollered and yelled at the top of our lungs for help, but all we heard were echoes. And we heard a growl, which could be a bear, so we decided to run.

Now the skies were super dark and there was no way that we would be getting home now. We were stranded, stranded in the woods with unanswered questions of how would we find our way back, and where would we sleep?

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