Prologue: So Long, Sightseer | Info

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"So, how are you holding up?"

It was a simple question from a long-time best friend. A question that Meme really couldn't care less about.

"We had our good moments, but it's probably for the best. I really need to learn how to control my frustration before I end up in another relationship, and it wasn't like she just hit me and stormed out of the room or something."

Yeah, Meme was alright with how things ended between him and Wiktoria. It wasn't like someone had gotten shot. In fact, they were still friends. The only reason she wasn't there, chatting along with the rest of the group- Blaza joking around with Socks while Laff surveyed the scene of the 14 year olds arguing over nonsense- was the same reason they'd decided to break up.

"Alright then, when do you think she's coming back from her travels?" Tbh asked.

Yup. Wiki was a sightseer. Nothing wrong with that, but it just wasn't a lifestyle Meme could enjoy.

"Not for a while. I mean, I still love her, but neither of us sit well with long distance, and it's really going to be a long time before she comes back."

Tbh gave a shrug, knowing there was nothing to be upset about. The situation wasn't a sob story, and- honestly? Meme was taking it the best way he could. No anger, no sadness, no throwing around blame as he tended to do that with a lot of things; just a quick 'Okay' and a nod of understanding.

'What could go wrong, now?'

"Glad nothing went wrong between you two," Tbh practically echoed Meme's thoughts.

"For sure," Meme agreed, looking around.

He'd been up on the sandy hill a gazillion times, but the cloth canopy near the stairway and multi-purposed stage that sat nearby never got old. Many memorable events had happened underneath the growing palms' fronds, most accountably the "baldfor1" pranks and first time meet with Wiktoria, yet still the group had more to enjoy.

Of course, a story can't always remain happy, and this one isn't an exception.


AYYYYY NEW STORYYYY. I've had a lot of time to think about this one, and while I do still plan to bring In The Sky back, I kinda want to work on this a bit more before I do. Also, I think it's pretty clear, but Wiki is none existent in the story, which means she can't get shot (OR CAN SHE-). I'm trying a different writing style from Sleep, as it was desperately long and detailed and agonizing to draw out, but I'll still try to stay in the thousands. With that, I feel I should probably give a bit of information about this AU, and the book in general...

1: "ClaspOut Tales"
It's... It's a mistake. ClaspOuts were meant to be some form of interlinked stories (same multiverse or something) so I could do something with all of them together, but it's a dumb idea and makes no sense with this because I was applying things that made literally all my stories ClaspOuts. Ignore it. This isn't a ClaspOut Tale, but I'm too lazy to remove it from the cover. This book is just called "Seafoam".

2: Roles(???)

3: Mysteries/Questions, Answers, Timing
I plan to be oh so mysterious by adding random time jumps. ...Okay not totally random but in place of things that will stay the same or will be revealed later. There'll be few, but there'll also be many POVs. This causes things to happen "off screen" in sections, so I will also do some mystery hint hint with that. I may avoid a topic or giving you the full picture at first (as I did with the small blip of a prologue) but by the end of the book, everything will be explained and you'll have the full picture. Just, put up with me being a dumbass first, alright? (I say this because it might be confusing-)

4: Events
This story is a wildcard! Anything can happen, anything can be skipped, the only guaranteed markers are the starting event and revealing event. Laff and Nadwe might be skipped. The courthouse might never be built. More or less people could die at any time. You have no sure ground, you only have your detective skills and what's given to you.

5: Relationships
The relationships are a bit screwed up. I use this term as in friends, enemies, just how you relate to someone else, not "Oh I love shipping people :]". The only major things I need to say right now: Meme doesn't adopt Nadwe. Meme and Wiki are not together. No one is being shipped with anyone. The rest will play out as the book is written.

6: Trigger Warnings
I am not doing chapter warnings. Please look to the Blurb/Description of the book for trigger warnings, which will be updated as the book goes on to include things. If something is not labeled, please inform me.

7: Formats
"Exaggerated word"
'Exaggerated thought/speaker quoting someone'
Author's note
-------------------- (POV Switch)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (End of Chapter)

That's all. Without further ado, please enjoy Seafoam; A SockSMP AU :]

(Word Count: 348)

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