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A/n: I have not shifted this is for visualization. this will be in 3rd pov I won't be changing povs so you don't be confused. And Ginny doesn't exist in this story.

The young Wesley girl opened her eyes to a bright light meaning it was morning

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The young Wesley girl opened her eyes to a bright light meaning it was morning. After adjusting to the bright light she got up and went to the bathroom and got ready.

After that she walked to her wardrobe she picked out a purple shirt with long sleeves and blue jeans and black and white shoes.

"Wake up your-oh you're up already, mum already made breakfast if you're hungry." Ron said as he stood by the door.

"Thanks Ron." She said with a smile.

He nods then leaves Madison to be ready to head down stairs.

As she put the last accessory on she was heading to the kitchen. There was Ron, George, Fred, Percy and-.

"Harry I didn't know you were here." Madison said as she stared at her best friend.

"Hey Madi." He said still with food in his mouth.

She smiled then she walked to the kitchen and grabbed a bunch of food on her plate sitting next to Ron.

"So you want to tell me how he got here." Madison said to Ron pointing at Harry confused how he brought him.

"Well you know that flying car that Dad has right?" Ron said carefully hoping that she won't get mad that he left without telling her.

"Yes." She said having an idea where this was going.

"Well me, Fred, and George use it to bring Harry here. But Mum caught us before we could get in the house."

Madison snickered with delight thankfully she didn't go.

"Oh shove off." He said in a mean tone even though she knew he didn't mean it.

"Ok enough bickering and eat." Molly scolded. "Yes Mum." They said as they both continued eating.

As they were eating the sound of wings flapping were heard from the window. "That must be Errol with the post." Molly said.

In which, he was flying toward the window, Madison tried to Warn him, but was too late and hit the window.

Feeling bad for the bird every time that happens.

"Oh Fetch it, will you Percy please?" Molly asked her older son as he got up to get the mail.

"He's always doing that." Ron said earning an elbow to the rib by Madison.

"Oh look, it's our Hogwarts letters." Percy stated. "And they've sent us Harry's as well."

"Dumbledore must know you're here Harry." Arthur said. "Doesn't miss a trick, that man."

Percy then handed everyone their letters.

"This lot won't come cheap, Mum." Fred said. "The spell books alone will be very expensive." George said after Fred.

"We'll manage." Molly said reassuringly.

"There is only one place we can get all of this: Daigon Ally." Molly said with a smirk.


Living room: Fire place

As Molly picked up the pot of gray like Sand, she turned to everyone. "Right. Here we are, Harry, you go first dear."

"But Harry's never traveled by Floo powder before Mum." Ron and Madison said together. They tend to do that often.

"Floo powder?" Harry asked.

"Well, you go first, Ron. So Harry can see how it's done." Molly said opting for someone to go.

Ron grabbed the powder before letting some fall from his hand. "Diagon Ally!" He said clearly enough to end up there.

We took a step back away from the green fire.

Madison saw the look on Harry's face to see a look of fear and shock.

She chuckled quietly to herself.

"You see. It's quite easy dear, don't be afraid." Molly said reassuringly with a smile hoping that he wouldn't be to scared.

'why wouldn't he be.' Madison said in her head sarcastically.

Harry reluctantly walked to the fire place where Ron once was.
He grabbed the powder.

"Ok now don't forget to speak clearly dear." Molly instructed.

Harry took a deep breath. "Diagonally."

They took a step back when the green fire ignited and he was gone.
They stood there with confused faces on what he said.

"What did he say dear?" Molly asked her husband.

"Diagonally." Arthur responded. "I thought he did." Molly said curious.

'I hope he's ok.' Madison said in her head worriedly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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