Dresses, Pain, And Ice Cream

497 13 11

A/N: Requested by Aron-Might, I added some extra parts. And this is probably didn't expected.

"Guys I have a challenge for you two!" Lust yelled. Killer and Dream stared at him and Lust added "Dress up as girls for 24 hours!" Dream shrugged his shoulders while Killer was frozen in sweat.

"Thanks... but I'll pass, I might not walk after the challenge." Killer said. Dream looked at Killer in confusion while Lust respected his words. Lust dragged Dream to a closet and covered him in clothes.

*Time Skip*

Here is what Dream looks like after Lust's magic:

Here is what Dream looks like after Lust's magic:

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He looks like a snac-

Killer: Hey! LM you just broke the fourth wall!

LM: So?

Killer: You make us pay 1 million G if we break it!

LM: Sheet-

*Technical difficulties*

"Wow! I look so beautiful in this lust!" Dream complemented. "Of course darling, It's my work so it has to be gorgeous." Lust replied smugly.

Horror then arrived and scooped Lust up and left giving everyone the middle-

Wait a dang minute that wasn't in the script!

*Technical difficulties*

Um... where were we again? Oh right! Wait- nevermind.

Cross walked in the room and Dream ran to him. Dream jumped on Cross and tackled Cross on the ground. Cross froze on the spot.

He was having a-

Killer: Gay panic.

LM: Hey! just because your the Creator's favorite doesn't mean that you have to interrupt me!

Creator: . . . *Pulls out a chainsaw*

Creator: Say that again infront of my bean...

*Technical difficulties*

Nightmare: *Arrives* time to beat up someone's ass =)

Cross: ah shirt-

Dream: hewo brother!

*Time skip*

Cross was crying on the floor while Killer looked at him with pity. Killer heard the ice cream truck and had an Idea.

Killer headed to the ice cream truck. The door opened to see Swad wearing a fake mustache.

Killer: Fuck the script I'm outta here =) *runs away*

Swad: *frowns* I bought this love potion for nothing...


Swad: Shit-

*Technical difficulties*

LM: Take two...

Killer walked up to the ice cream truck and bought himself and Cross some ice cream. After that he came back to cross who had a large bruise on his cheek.

Killer offered Cross the chocolate flavored one and Cross ate it.

Cross: Aah! Fridge this ice cream made it worst.

Killer: *confusion*

Killer: Wait... who's the ice cream man's actor.

LM: Nightmare :D

*Technical Difficulties*

GL LM: how much G did you pay the creator?

LM: about 20 million...

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