The Files

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"Don't know

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"Don't know... But this is the CCC. I think they would have some automated system to check their files for viruses", Hattie clicks on the first document "Even if not, it's not our computer"

Anomaly-2009 – "The Alteration"

Presumably found in Egypt by a team of archeologists lead by Dr. Arthur Reynolds.

Highest detected Chaos Level: 10.6


Material is similar to that of a cut black diamond.

When propped up vertically the object is four inches high, two inches wide and one inch thick.

Known effects:

When in contact:

Feelings of distress; fainting; seizures

When in close proximity:

Feelings of anger; unprovoked, violent behavior

Not all people exposed to the object were affected.

Current location:

Displayed in a museum in San Stose.

Sept. 27th 2009

Operation to obtain and contain the object are in motion.

Museum staff unwilling to cooperate; preparing documents for a purchase offer, generating more appealing background.

Oct. 14th 2009

Operation to obtain and contain A-2009 has failed.

Object was lost in a museum-heist performed by the Toppat Clan.

Further investigation revealed an altercation between the Toppat Clan and the Tobleros, an opposing criminal organization.

Traces of high chaos levels detected at scene of the altercation.

Assumed outcome:

Object is still in possession of the Toppat Clan, has sustained damage during the altercation and caused a surge in chaos energy, possibly altering the timeline

Proven outcome:

Object has shattered and released A-2009-1, presumably possessing Toppat T'S'C in the process.

Attempts to capture T'S'C or any member of the Toppat Clan alive were not successful so far

Refer to TptCl-dta.doc for more information.

Jan. 12th 2011

10.6 Chaos level detected.

Source found at Split Island

Individual identified as Toppat T'S'C. Taken into custody for further investigation and necessary medical procedures.

Traces of A-2009 energy found.

Traces of A-2013 energy found and categorized. Refer to DtaAno2013.doc for more information.

Jul. 8th 2017

10.6 Chaos level detected.

Source located in museum in Red Mesa

Attempt to take individual into custody not made.

Traces of A-2009 and A-2013 found.

Unidentified individual put on watch list

Nov. 12th 2020

10.6 Chaos level detected.

Source located near complex The Wall

Source determined and individual identified as Henry Stickmin by field agent.

Individuals presumed death not confirmed.

Traces of A-2016 energy found and categorized. Refer to DtaAno2016.doc for more information.

Dec. 11th 2020

A-2009-1 suspected as source for multiple incidents relating to deaths, disappearances and assimilations.

Recorded Chaos levels between 6.2 and 8.7.

Dec. 12th 2020

10.6 Chaos level detected.

First sighting of A-2009-3. Location undetermined.

No response from reporting field agent.

Field agent presumed dead after 48 h.

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