1 > After Hours

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It was nearing Nine O' Clock in the evening. The kids were being worn out, with their adults taking them away.

Toy Chica's POV.

I watch as the children and parents (or gaurdians, it's not my buissness.) Once the door is closed and everyone is out, I slouch, then i stretch. Standing in one position in a certain posture for so long aches. I hop off the stage. I tried to interact with Toy Bonnie and Toy Freddy earlier that morning, but they were talking about..buisness cares? I don't really know, and for the fact, care. Sounds like they talking more about those boring shananagins. Theres only one friendly fox I can talk to. Toy Foxy. Everyone calls her "The Mangle", but I dislike that name, a lot. And Im sure he doesnt like it either. Its just rude.

I walk down to the door to left wall of the showstage, over to the door to Kids' Cove. I tug at the big metal door's handle. It wad locked. I forgot! The employees close Kids' Cove an hour before the whole pizzaria to have time to fix Toy Foxy back up before they left for the day. Well, they use to. They have given up as of recently, but it's still procedure.

I heard as metal feet made their way over to the side of the door. After a few clicks, Toy Foxy sticks his head out, ears low. She then looks at me, smiling.

"Hi Toy Chica!" Toy Foxy exclaimed. She opened the door more, practically reading mind before asking him if I could come in. I step into the Kids' Cove. It was a mess. Toy Foxy looked at me.

"I am glad it was you instead of the other two..you know how they always like everything nice and tidy, but I do not want them to, well, clean it to where everything is in different places that I cannot remember." Toy Foxy spoke out. His voice mixed with the radio that was..somewhere in there.

I nod, before sitting down on her little stage. I unlatch my cupcake, placing it down beside me. Toy Foxy came over, sitting next to me. Is sitting the right word? Im not sure. I looked up and down him. His fur was so matted and gunky, along with some stiffness. The metal, still in good condition, looked like it started to rust.

"Yet, I know you know where things go. Can you help me?" He looked at me with his one, gleaming yellow eye.

"Of course! And then after that, I can help brush your fur out, get out all those tangles, and other stuff!" I exclaimed. This was our normal routine. Although, I try to make it unique each time. Toy Foxy looked at me, smiling. His ears went up. She turned to her endo head attached to her, and it nodded. He slid off the stage and we got work.


After a long term of cleaning, we finished. I cleaned most of the room, as Toy Foxy, well, with her limbs everywhere, its kinda hard. He took on the more sorting aspect of things, which I was just fine with. We sat back down on her stage. We were both wiped out. I flop on my back, looking up at the ceiling. The bright lights reflrcted off of the shiny puple star streamers. I close my eyes. I then hear breathing on me, specicfically over my face. It was Toy Foxy, right above me. I immediently sat up, with Toy Foxy moving out of my way to not get hit. Me red, circular cheeks slightly glowed. He looked at me, chuckling. We both laughed. I felt my cheeks glowing a bit, but nothing too noticable i thought. I brushed this little thing off though. Me and Toy Foxy were close friends, and we always messed around.

I sit there, thinking. "I have an idea!" Springing up surprisingly. The endo head on Toy Foxy jumped a bit, but Toy Foxy coo'd it like a little baby. It did not seem happy.

"Let's make a fort!" I said. Toy Foxy squeaked, giggling.


We pull out pillows, blankets, and grab and sneak in plushies from the prize corner. We use chairs from the party rooms to hold up the blanket, surrounding the legs of them with cushions so we can lean on them comfortably. Toy Foxy lays out some cusions, then putting a pretty soft blanket over them. I scoot some cusions right next to his "bed", doing the same thing. She looked surprised, before turning his head away. I took of my beak. It was hooked with strong magnets. I placed it far away from Toy Foxy so it wouldn't get stuck on him. I lay down on my cusion set, Toy Foxy being curled up beside me.

"Do you mind if we do your fur tomorrow? That cleaning took..a lot out of me." I yawned mid way through. Toy Foxy smiled, nodding. I took my eyes out of their sockets, letting me fall asleep. Although I heard Toy Foxy mumbling about to the endo. It couldn't speak, but whatever. I tune the voice out, swaying to sleep. Tommorrow is a Monday, meaning no kids until Friday evening. I start to fade off, humming to my own melody.

Author's Note

Thank you for sitting through and reading this first part! It was a joyel to write, and I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart you read through. If you have and questions, critiques, or anything, leave them down below! Anyway, thanks again, and have a great rest of your day/night ♡♡

-TPC 💕💗💕

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2022 ⏰

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