ᶻz new school

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YOU SIGH AS YOU KNOW it's your first day of school

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YOU SIGH AS YOU KNOW it's your first day of school. You really hate being new it's so weird and people keep looking at you. Your 16 now and still somehow miss Scaramouche. You grab your uniform, do your hair and wear the bracelet you made 8years ago. Jeez already 8? I guess your mom was right. Time really dose fly by..

'I wonder if he still wears the bracelet I hope so... maybe he'll be in this school!!! Wait that's stupid why would- whatever'

After fixing yourself up you rush downstairs , get you bag , say bye to your mom and run out the door .

You check the time "7:54"


While legit peeing your pants running to school you bump into someone

'this is my first day man this is unfair' you thought

"Im so sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going.." you say quickly .

"Mm it's fine." Someone says pretty coldly

You look up and see it's a guy who is actually not much taller than you, he's wearing the same uniform but with much longer sleeves - they had a longer sleeve version? You could really use that since it was the middle of winter. Now that you think about it you realize he's in the same school as you!

"Oh ! It seems we are in the same school, would you mind taking me to my class? I'm new here" you say cheerfully

"Sure." He replies

You keep seeing him staring at your wrist you don't know why you brush it off and decide to try and make small talk

"Sooo... when did you come to this school??" You question

"Don't remember" he says coldly

"oh okay??..."

After three minutes of the most awkward walk of your life he suddenly asks a question

"Well what's your name?"

"Y/N!" You smile

"I see..."

'dude this guy is weird he keeps on staring at me weird.' you say to yourself

You pull out your phone and check the time "8;01"


"We are here. Your class is to the left" he says with no emotion?

"THANK YOU SO MUCH SIR" you quickly run off to your class

'Really? Sir is that THE BEST you could do?? Whatever he didn't seem bothered'

?? POV;

"it really is you Y/N.... I missed you, how come you haven't changed a bit hm..?"


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you walk into your class calmly acting like you didn't just run as fast as you could to your class even tho it was just a few meters away.

"Oh hello, you must be Y/N you may introduce yourself." The teacher says

He was acting like your weren't four minutes late

"hello everyone! My name Is Y/N I am new here I just moved from mondstat! "

"Thank you Y/N you may sit next to Yoimiya."

A blonde girl raised her hand and smiled at you, she seemed pretty friendly and she was beautiful.

You walked over to her, she sat in the kind of middle row out of five pretty weird , to her left there was a stunning girl who had long blueish hair that was tied up into a ponytail, she seemed very elegant with every move she did. To her right was a empty seat tho next to that seat was a white haired boy he was most likely popular considering that he was brushing his hair every single second though he was talking to a blonde , he had his hair tied into a ponytail and was wearing a headband. Jeez why the hell is everyone so fine? Now I feel left out

"Y/N HIII" Yoimiya said very cheerfuly

"HELLOO" You tried your best to sound friendly

"I love you already" the blonde said

"THANK YOU!! I love your clips by the way!!"

"YOU DO???? AAAA THANK YOUU" she said with the biggest smile you have ever seen

Just then the Elegant lady peered over to what was going and and giggled a bit

"Oh Yoimiya, your so funny" she said with a small smile "Hello Y/N ! My name is Ayaka."

"Hello Ayaka its nice to meet you!..your so pretty!"

Ayaka proceeded to blush a little though she covered it with her hand. "Y/n you flatter me really! I'm not that pretty"

"are you crazy????" You and Yoimiya say in sync

"Okay, perhaps I just take my looks for-granted. But really you and Yoimiya are also stunning!"

"Agreed Y/N id kill to look like you"

So this is what getting complimented by two perfect people feels like.


"Class dismissed !"

You were walking down the hallway not having a clue where you were going when Yoimiya came running to you

"HELLLOOOOO" she yelled in a friendly manner

"HII" you said the same way

"Do you wanna come eat lunch with me Ayaka , Itto and Thoma ?" She asked

"Yes of course! Let me just get some things out of my locker and I'll be there!"

Yoimiya happily nodded her head and skipped off. The next thing you knew you bumped into someone again

"IM SO SORRY!" You say with a apologetic smile

"Hm it's fine, Y/N" the stranger says

Wait , how dose he know your name? You look up and low and behold you see the same Person you bumped into this morning.

"Sorry to ask, but what's your name? I never got it since I was in a hurry." You say

"Scaramouche." He says with a small smile, wait why dose that name feel familiar oh right! His name what a coincidence.

"could it be?" You mumble

"Hm, I see." He says

wait, did he hear me?

"Jeez now that I look at you, you seem like the older and scarier version of someone i knew! And much more handsome." You smile

A slow blush creeps across his face but quickly covered his face with his hand

"Thank you?" He smiled .

You noticed something on his wrist it was purple and you think black? no way its him.

Ill be back ☆ @scaramouche (scaramouche x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now