{two birds, one throne}

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Amity stared down at the screen, reflecting light in a dark room. Her curtains were a thick, black fabric so she had no idea what time it could be.

Her hype fixation on the stupid Canadian series full of rom-com had gotten worse throughout the night. First it was 10pm, then 12am, and when it hit 4am she got really concerned. Her performance in class would be horrible. She didn't want to fall asleep in class again. Though not living with her mother nor father anymore, she still wanted a good GPA.

The 10 hour marathon came to a end when she took a look at the time. Amity flung herself out of bed and opened the curtains. A brightness more aching then the computer screen shined into the girls pale face. She tripped over monster and red bull cans as she fumbled to get to her closet.

"Oh fuck, I am so late!" She hissed to herself.

People thought Amity's morning consisted of drinking the blood of her enemies and brushing her teeth with their bones. But really, its mainly just taking her pills and washing it down with energy drinks. Since those were the only things that kept her awake.

After spending five minutes trying to make herself presentable, she finally ran out of her small apartment, keys in hand. She hopped into her 2008 Buick Lucerne and slammed her keys in the ignition. She wasted time getting ready, nobody cares what she wears. As she was driving she worryingly searched for her dark blue rimmed sunglasses. Though not caring about what she wears, she differently cared about people knowing if she was sleep deprived.

She swiftly turned hard into the student parking lot and jumped out of her car, noticing that people were just entering the school.

"This could've been worse." She said rolling her eyes.

She grabbed her bag and threw it lazily over she shoulder as she sped walked to the door leading into the school. A grin started to reach her lips in victory of making it on time this week, but a sudden tapping from behind her stopped her dead in her tracks.

"Principle Bump, hi", she said, hurryingly throwing her glasses off. Due to them being banned at the school.

"Greetings Blight. I couldn't help but notice you're the last one in my perfect facility. And since you are last I would like to ask you to show our newest student around the school. And maybe I'll forget about this little...incident."

Ever since she moved out of her house, Principle Bump has been the only positive grown up in her life.

"Of course", she said, trying not to let her anger of the situation seep through her perfect good girl act.

He stepped aside and a girl a little shorter than Amity stood their with a Nintendo looking thing in her hand. She hadn't been listening, and Amity didn't really know if she knew what was going on.

"Ahem, Miss Noceda. Pay attention." Bump spoke bitterly.

'Wow, she's pretty confident to pull out a distraction just like that..'

The girl had chocolate brown hair, matching with her eyes. She wore an over sized black t-shirt and longish green khaki shorts. She wore an old purple beanie to top off her messy hair. All in all, Amity found her style..interesting.

Once Bump left Amity turned to her and she looked back.

"So, ya gonna show me around huh? Well I'm not following." She said, pulling out her game again.

Amity shrugged and walked away, with the girl still following.

"Though you said you weren't following?" Amity spoke emotionlessly.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2022 ⏰

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