Why Me!?

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Hey guys this is the first chapter! I'm actually so exited to work on this book i feel like it has à lot of potential so enjoy! dont mind my A's idk why they are doing that.

What did I do to deserve this! First, I lose both my parents when I was à BABY.  Then I lose my home and get put into foster care now i'm living in a alleyway. Life is so unfair. Uh sorry I forgot to introduce myself. Hi, my name is Ellie Green and I'm 16 years old. My parents died when I was young. I was taken into foster care and adopted by this guy who would abuse me. At 10 years old I ran away and since then I have been on my own living on the streets, more specifically an alleyway.

Once in a while someone notices me and gives me à little bit of money but, why do I kind of wish that someone would take me into their home where à soft bed would be placed for me and clean clothes? 

That's never going to happen though because I live in New York for god's sake no one cares about the homeless! Most of my days I try to scavenge for food that's been thrown away and to be honest there's à lot. It makes me angry when people just waste their food But  i'm sorta glad because without that food I probably wouldn't be here right now.

Life has been really hard for me lately. 

There hasn't been as much food and I'm struggling to find warmth before the winter starts. That's my least favorite time of year because if I dont find warmth quick then I could freeze to death. There has also been a lot of times where i've been robbed of the very little money I have. It's really annoying because I already barley have anything yet these thiefs are still finding things to take. 

I cant do this anymore i'm so close to just quiting, theres nothing here for me anyways.

Every time I say that I try to think of the positive because I know that someday there will be someone there for me when im at my lowest, atleast I hope so. But the best thing to do is to expect the worst so that when it comes it's not à surprise. I always used to tell my self that when my hopes were up.

Enough explaining my past life. I'm going to sleep because I'm exhausted. I usually sleep under garbage so that no one sees or kidnaps me, not like anyone would want to kidnap à stinky teenage girl. I woke up to à noise. Looking around to see what it was I can tell that it was still night. All of à sudden I heard voices, coming from what sounds like à male. "Where's my money!" one of the guys yelled."I will get it i'm working double shifts at the grill I swear" the other spoke. I was trying to be as quiet as possible but then àn empty pop can hit the floor. Stupid Can!!!!!! "What was that?" "What?" "it came from there" one whispered. OH-NO!

They lifted the trash and there I was shaking with fear. " hey look at this thing she was eavesdropping" they said. "no I swear I wasn't" I pleaded "please just let me-" I was about to finish my sentence when one of the guys punched me in the gut and the pain rushed all throughout my body.

Then the other guy was about to kick me but it never came. Instead à boy my age pushed the guy out of the way. Before I could witness anything else, everything went black.

 I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter. bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2022 ⏰

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