-°~Chapter 22~°-

982 22 11

Word Count: 1,355
No One's POV:

Izuku has been running for what feels like forever but he thinks it's only been at least 20 minutes, he hasn't heard anything for the last 5 beside a he's own feet landing on the hard ground.

He didn't want to stop not for a second, but he's legs were starting to hurt, so reluctantly he went into the forest instead of just staying on the main road which he was running on hoping to find another car or someone to help him, quickly he hid himself behind a tree just in case, he leaned on the tree and gave a shuddered breath as he let he's legs rest for a moment.

Suddenly he froze when he heard a stick break somewhere on he's left, he quickly looked over and when he saw Katsuki looking around for him he's whole being paled.

One of Katsuki's eyes was gushing blood, he's eye was wide open as well which allowed him to see the clean cut right in the middle of he's eye which was now covered in blood, he had a crazed smile on he's face that could only be described as a bat shit crazy smile.

Quietly Izuku stood up before he readied he's knife to lunge, just when Katsuki looked he's way Izuku lunged and plunged he's knife into Katsuki's shoulder making Katsuki yell in pain, quickly Izuku got away from him so Katsuki couldn't grab him.

"God Deku... You really just don't know when to give up!" Katsuki yelled as he looked at Izuku, that crazy smile still on he's face.

"No, it's you who doesn't know when to give up Bakugou." Izuku stated with a deadly calm voice, he had a scowl on he's face as he looked at the blond.

"Oh~ Back to Bakugou hmm~? Now Izuku, haven't we been over this? I'm the only one that truly cares for you! I'm the one that took you away from the inevitable heart break!" Katsuki stated rather loudly.

"You've put me threw more pain then anyone else ever has. I'd rather be left by Hitoshi and Hanta then have ever had to step into that hell hole of a house again." Izuku growled out.

"Deku.. If you come with me now your punishment won't be to bad, we can just go home and fuck like planned! After that I'll punish you! Just come here~" Katsuki opened he's arms for Izuku, but Izuku didn't move in inch.

"I'd rather die then go back there." Izuku stated simply.

"Deku... I'm warning you, come with me or it won't be a pretty ending" Katsuki stated as he's smile turned into a scowl, one that Izuku was all to familiar with.

"This story was never destined to have a pretty ending Bakugou" Izuku stated, he got into a fighting stance as he held onto the knife tighter.

"Teddy bear your quirkless again, you can't beat me~ so just give up now, this is your last chance~" Katsuki told him, he brought he's hand up as sparks started to fly, no doubt a warning.

"Yet I still managed to take your eye, and I'll be taking your life or die trying.", Izuku stated determined as a feral smile made it's way onto he's face.

Without another word they lunged at each other, Izuku was quick to try and stab Katsuki in the heart but Katsuki was able to dodge, as he dodged he brought he's hand up and let off an explosion right in the greenette's side, though Izuku didn't waver, he kept trying to stab Katsuki in any vital area he could but Katsuki kept shooting explosions at him, until finally 30 minutes later when he was able to get Izuku onto the ground and on he's back, when he did Katsuki was quick to throw the knife just out of reach and straddled he's legs while he held Izuku's arms above he's head with one arm while the other was free to touch Izuku's face.

"Izuku, my teddy bear, I wish you would've just come with me when you had the chance, now I'll have to punish you~" Katsuki stated with a mocking pout.

Looking up at Katsuki he had loads of dried blood all around along with in he's eye, it was still dripping fresh blood which was starting to fall on he's face.

"I will NEVER be yours, I belong to me, myself, and I! And by the time you try to take me back I'll be bleeding out, me and you both know I'll die before you can fix me." Izuku stated, he didn't give a fuck anymore, it was ether he escaped or he died trying, he refuses to go back.

"Well.. If I can't have you, nobody can, so it's ether you come willingly or.. I'll take more drastic measures to insure you come home" Katsuki threatened.

"Well nether of those will work out in your favor, I leave or I die." Izuku stated without any hesitation.

Katsuki was quiet for a moment he seemed to get more sad and angry the more he thought, then he's hand went to Izuku's neck simply staying there for a moment before Katsuki looked into Izuku's eyes once again, but with tears (he's hurt eye seemed to bleed blood) in he's eyes.

"Then die." Katsuki stated right before he tightened he's grip as tightly as he could on Izuku's neck.

Izuku gasped loudly as he struggled to try and breath, he wiggled as much as he could to try and get he's arms free so he could grab Katsuki's hands to try and pry them off, but no matter what he couldn't.

Black dots started to cover he's vision, he looked up at Katsuki who was now full on crying as he scowled at Izuku.

Just as he was about to pass out Katsuki had suddenly gotten off of him.

He gasped loudly as he tried to regain he's breath, tears were in he's eyes as he brought he's hands up to he's neck, the ringing in he's ears was loud so he couldn't hear anything, he felt someone grab him and bring him closer to him, he thought it was Katsuki so he quickly tried to get out he's grip, weakly may I add but he tried, then suddenly when the ringing let up he heard someone speak.

Someone that wasn't Katsuki.

"Shhhh Shhh amor it's okay, it's me, your safe now, it's okay"

Looking up he saw one of he's lovers, Sero, he sobbed as he saw him, he quickly hugged him closely fearing that if he let go Sero wouldn't be there anymore.

Sero held him close making sure to hide Izuku's face in he's chest, in front of him Shinso had the knife that Izuku previously held and he was stabbing Katsuki repeatedly, it only took a few minutes before Katsuki had stopped moving below him, but it seems Shinso wasn't taking a chance so he began to cut every vital artery to insure even if he wasn't dead he'd bleed out before he could even try to fix himself or go after them.

It was gruesome, but you do what you must to survive.

Once Shinso was done he turned around and began to walk over to them, once he was there he dropped to he's knees along with drop the knife beside him, he along with the knife was covered in blood but he didn't care, he hugged Izuku close along with kiss all over Izuku's now longer hair.

"My god Izuku are you okay?!" Shinso asked as he started to check over Izuku.

"N-Now that you guys are here? A-A million times better, but I'd feel better if w-we left.." Izuku stated as he sniffled.

"Okay, but once we get home were checking you over okay?" Sero lightly asked.

Izuku nodded quickly as he held onto Sero for dear life, Sero and Shinso nodded at each other before they stood up (with Sero holding Izuku) and began to walk away.

"Let's get you home mi amor/kitten.."

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