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I'm kinda pissed right now.

Okay, so I went to my piano lessons today and my teacher asked me to choose two songs for my recital pieces. I chose my absolute favorite song, "The Spinning Song" and "Scales and Arpeiggios (you can tell me if I spelled that wrong)" from Disney's Aristocats.

So, I started playing my favorite song, learned how to improve it a bit and then-

You know that moment when you get your dream taken away some how?

Well, my piano teacher suddenly interrupted me and said she forgot that someone else was already playing that song.

On the outside, I acted polite and said, "Oh, okay."

But in the inside I was like, "ARE YOU FREAKING BITCH ASS F**KING SERIOUS?!"

When I got home, I went up to my room to change, closed the door softly, then started jumping around in my room, ranting how much I wanted to play that piece.

I had the right dynamics and already memorized the song for the freaking recital!

I know, I know, you're probably like, "But Rae, it isn't that much of a big deal, isn't it? It's only a song..."

I was really hoping to play that song because, well, My cousin played it, My mom played, and I also wanted to play it for my grandma (or Lola for all you Filipinos like me) and take a video then send it to her.

Oh yeah, whenever I'm mad, I always talk to myself about and say a bunch of super bad cuss words in my head. I mean, I can't exactly talk to a sibling about it because I have no siblings and my parents probablyyy wouldn't want to hear me say bitch, ass, or f**k.


I get pissed-off really easily. Don't judge.

I'm weird and crazy. Feel free to remove this book from your library if you want...

A Pissed-Off Rae:3

P.S. I also hit myself in the head with a softball using a bat. Don't ask how it happened cause I have NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO idea.

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