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- Oh I get it. I guess it makes sense. But yeah there's hot shower ~ » smiled Mato purring all happy to think about a warm shower every morning. His specie was made to survive in the cold but hey, it was better to feel warm than cold ! That's why he had also some furr, after all, he still needed warmth.- Eeeeh ?! You call me a hater ? Me ? It's you who are a bad looser ! You're stupid ! And my girlfriend is perfect ! She is better than you.- Well, Mato is nice. And his dad isn't a jerk like mine... They are sweet. Also Eris and Howard are cool too. Don't worry please. I'm alright. I will be major soon anyway so I guess I'll have to move at a point...

- ... okay . Just don't get over exhausted . » and as Hyacinthe said that , Eris looked at the library , probably having heard a sound . He looked at Mato , and asked :- Who's with dad ? Answer Mato . ... I'm not saying that to pry on him . I've felt something . » he said , as the skies began to turn a bit grey . Eris made a movement with his hand , and Hyacinthe stood up , taking up a walking cane Mato hadn't noticed . He looked at Eris , asking with his eyes what was happening .- Mato , please .

- Don't worry, I'm going to rest. I... Will be resting for a day or two before doing anything I think. I... Guess it won't be bad if I don't go to school for two days.» she said a bit unsure, Oreo intertwining his tail with hers to reassure her.- Well I don't know, I came back here before to know it. » growled a bit surprised too the young dragon, being annoyed by his brother's dumb question. However, Nar looking at Eris just sighed and eating a last blueberry, she simply responded, showing her new gemstone :- The Sun is with him. He's not in danger I think. They were more huh... Busy let's say. But the Sun gave me some of his blood as a gemstone ! Just for me to stay warm.

- ... fucking atheist . » whispered Eris , now taking from his pockets some kind of jewel . Probably a trick weapon . Understanding the moves , his lover took off the spell of his cane to reveal a gun , that he immediately loaded , earning a disapproving look from his older counterpart .- That won't work . »- shit. » he took it off , and reached for a black knife , hidden in his vest . He cut himself with it , and almost immediately , the knife disappeared and his hands turnt black . - Mato . Don't , fucking , move away . She won't be able to reach here . We will be able to banish her , but only because she's in our home that we have blessed . Don't try to ever cross her okay ? » not even waiting for a response , both of them went running to the library .A few minutes passed . Maybe 10 . And then the door opened , with the three of them in a relative manner of hurt . Orcus had a really bad choking mark on his throat , and some cuts almost everywhere on his body : his dress let them see , since it was torn . Eris just looked like he took a punch , and had some blood under his nose , pretty much like his lover whose knee was trembling like hell . He had to rest on Eris to be able to walk . He was the first to sit down and take his cane like a safety line . He finally sighed , and Eris helped his father to sit .- I'll go search the medical supplies . Both of you don't move . » he said , leaving in a hurry .

Nar looking at all these preparations seemed absolutely lost, not understanding a thing as Mato seemed to want to help his brother and brother's boyfriend. However, Eris told him an order. And the teen was about to protest but his brother didn't let him start, being all alone with Nar in the kitchen. He growled frustrated, making Nar even more lost. But at least they could peek at what was happening through the door. When they came back ten minutes later, Mato was in his dragon form, ready to fight being really unhappy. Of course, this feeling got worse when he saw his dad hurt, going to check on him immediately, asking : « Dad are you okay ? Do you want me to do anything ? Are they gone ? I can protect you ! Please don't die...- Hyacinthe ? Do you want something ? A glass of water ? An ice pack ? » asked Nar, checking on the nice veteran. She didn't wanted him to be hurt ! And while waiting for Eris, it might be the best solution for now... But what has she done too ? Leaving a god clearly opposed to the other together... She was an idiot...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2023 ⏰

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