• chapter four • UPDATED

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It made Ryujin admire Yeji even more; her attentiveness to Ryujin’s stories was a rare gift. The two of them shared a connection that transcended the confines of a sterile hospital room, a bond enriched by understanding and compassion.

“I dreamt of an old man,” Ryujin began, her voice trembling slightly, “and he died. He wanted to live his next life remembering everything he did in the past, but he was treated horribly. I felt so bad; I just cried out of nowhere.” As she recounted the dream, tears glistened in her eyes, reflecting the depth of the emotions stirred by the memory. She wiped away a couple of tears, the image of the old man firmly etched in her mind, a haunting reminder of regret and sorrow.

“Was he not given a choice to?” Yeji asked, a hint of curiosity coloring her tone.

“No, sadly.” Ryujin’s voice came out muffled, thick with emotion. She felt a shiver run through her as Yeji rose from her seat, moving closer to her, to gently pat her back. For the first time, Ryujin found herself being comforted instead of offering solace to someone else.

“Cry it all out.” Yeji's hand continued to rub her back tenderly as she settled next to Ryujin. In less than a minute, the floodgates opened, and Ryujin burst into tears, overwhelmed by a wave of suppressed feelings and the weight of everything she had witnessed. Yeji's cool hand cupped Ryujin’s face, coaxing her to rest her head against her shoulder.

“Thank you,” Ryujin managed to say between sniffles, her voice barely above a whisper.

“Nah, it’s nothing,” Yeji replied softly, her comforting presence wrapping around Ryujin like a warm blanket.

Ryujin’s heart raced a little faster with the realization that she was nestled against Yeji’s shoulder, overwhelmed by a sense of peace that seemed almost surreal. In that moment, she understood that for many, sharing such an intimate moment would feel like a dream come true. It made her admiration for Yeji grow; she was undeniably a sweetheart.

• • •

In the quiet aftermath of Ryujin’s tears, the two of them unintentionally fell asleep in an awkward huddle. Yeji's head rested gently atop Ryujin's, while Ryujin's head leaned comfortably against her shoulder. As the minutes ticked by, Ryujin stirred, catching glimpses of Yeji's serene sleeping face. The tenderness in those features ignited a flutter in Ryujin’s chest; it was a feeling she had never quite experienced before. She knew she had to wake Yeji, not only for the comfort of a proper bed but also because caring for her meant everything to Ryujin. It was her duty, her calling.

As she hesitated, Ryujin found herself lost in studying Yeji’s features, until suddenly, those delicate eyelids fluttered open, and their gazes locked in surprise.

“Oh! I’m so sorry!” Ryujin exclaimed, her tone flustered. “I was just kind of… uh, captivated. You’re a very beautiful lady, you know.” The compliment slipped out before she could gather her thoughts, and Yeji busied herself with scratching her head, a hint of embarrassment coloring her cheeks.

“Gee, thanks,” she said softly, the corners of her mouth curving into a shy smile.

Ryujin quickly stood up and extended a hand to help Yeji to her feet. “Come on, let’s get you prepped up in your bed.” However, instead of standing up, Yeji simply gazed up at her, a look of longing in her eyes, as though she was silently pleading for something more.

“What? What’s with those puppy eyes?” Ryujin sighed, feeling a pang of empathy. “You look like you need comfort.” Deep down, Ryujin could sense that Yeji's sadness lingered, a weight on her shoulders that she longed to lighten.

“Would you take me to the rooftop?” Yeji asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Ryujin pondered for a moment before lighting up with an idea, “You know what, I have something in mind. It might be a little unconventional, but how about we head to the rooftop for some fresh air? It could do you some good.”

Yeji’s eyes sparkled with excitement as she nodded enthusiastically. “God, I’m sick of this room! I haven’t been outside in ages.”

“Well, you never asked the nurses to take you anywhere, so they just assumed you wanted to stay,” Ryujin replied, gently nudging her shoulder.

“Thank you for offering.” Yeji’s gratitude felt like a warm embrace, filling Ryujin with delight. Even though she had made that offer to many patients before, it was this moment, this gesture of appreciation, that made it different. For the first time, someone was eager to accompany her to gaze at the stars, to share a moment of liberation away from the confines of the hospital.

With Yeji holding onto the IV pole for support, they maneuvered through the hallway like kids on a school field trip. “You seem more cheerful than usual,” Ryujin remarked, only to wince as she realized the slip of her tongue.

“Actually, no. My whole life, I’ve felt imprisoned,” Yeji replied, her smile dimming as they walked. “And now, this is like my chance to see the outside world again.”

No wonder she felt that way. “You know Cinderella? The one with the long hair?” Ryujin interjected, lightheartedly trying to cheer up the mood.

“That's actually Rapunzel,” Yeji corrected, yet her tone was still filled with an affectionate laugh. “But, yes, like Rapunzel, I was raised to believe that the world outside is filled with evil people with malicious intentions. How wrong was I to actually believe it?” The weight of her words hung heavily in the air, casting a shadow upon their uplifting mood.

“Well, I think your mom just wanted to protect you, even if she went about it the wrong way,” Ryujin suggested, trying to temper the sorrow that crept in.

“And look where that brought me? Ta-da!” Yeji gestured dramatically, her sarcasm cutting through the gloom like a knife.

As they reached the rooftop, the sight that greeted them was nothing short of enchanting. Yeji gasped, her eyes widening with awe as she took in the expanse of the night sky. Countless stars twinkled above, each one a tiny beacon of hope against the vast darkness.

“Oh my God, I missed how the night sky looks!” she exclaimed, her face radiant with joy. Ryujin couldn’t help but stare at her, utterly captivated, just as Yeji had moments before with the stars. Although Yeji was a year older, in that moment she resembled a precious child, one who needed to be safeguarded from the harsh realities of life.

Caught in her admiration, Ryujin didn’t realize she had been staring at Yeji until she called out to her several times, finally giving her a gentle tap on the shoulder. “Your mind was somewhere else,” Yeji teased lightly.

Feeling a heat rise to her cheeks, Ryujin chuckled nervously. She hoped Yeji hadn’t detected the way her heart raced at seeing her smile. Just then, they both witnessed a shooting star streaking across the dark canvas above, and they gasped in unison, their eyes wide with disbelief and excitement.

“Hey, close your eyes and make a wish!” Ryujin urged, feeling a surge of energy.

Without hesitation, Yeji followed her lead, squeezing her eyes shut as if to unlock the secrets of her heart. A moment later, she opened her eyes, the stars reflecting a newfound spark of life within them.

“So, what did you wish for?” Ryujin asked, unable to contain her curiosity.

Yeji’s gaze flickered with a mixture of hope and uncertainty. “I guess I wished for what everyone wishes for—freedom, happiness, maybe a life that's not bound by walls.” She paused, glancing at Ryujin with a soft seriousness. “What about you?”

Ryujin felt her heart swell at seeing the vulnerability in Yeji’s eyes. “I guess I wished for the same,” she responded truthfully. “A chance to share moments like this, to not feel alone.”

The silence that followed was heavy yet comforting, as the two girls shared a rare understanding—the hope that maybe, just maybe, their future held more than just battles against life’s adversities; perhaps it promised friendship, adventure, and the simple beauty of stargazing together.

And at that moment, Ryujin knew they were embarking on something special, something that could redefine what it meant to truly live and cherish each moment.

Little did they know, Ryujin wished for something else, but didn't know how to wish for it.

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