Chapter 7 -𝗘𝗱𝗶𝘁𝗲𝗱-

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I am working on redoing the chapter numbers so no one gets confused. Chapter 9 IS chapter 8.

Rosalina's POV:

Getting woken up by moans at eleven pm wasn't what I had planned to be woken up by on my first day back in Dubai when I should be peacefully resting unwoken. This is my second time being in Dubai. The first time I was here was with my husband...a few years ago. Memories I would greatly like to put behind me.

I snatch the covers off my body in an irritated matter as I walked to the door ready to yell at whoever was being so loud to 'have some fucking decency for your neighbors', when I realized where the moans were coming from. They were coming from next door, Skylar's room.

I immediately shut my hotel door in shock and embarrassment and pressed my back up against the hard wooden door.

I put my hands against my ears as I inhaled deeply and walked back towards my bed where my headphones lay on the bedside table.

I snatch them and shove them into my ears to block out the moans. I click on my phone and immediately put on an audiobook. A Steven King book I had yet to finish began playing in my ears and Skylar's moans could no longer be heard.

As I lay in my hotel bed and tried to pay attention to my audiobook or even try to fall back asleep. The moans from next door still found their way somehow back into my mind. 

| 11:00 am |

The sun beamed on my skin as I sat spread out on the king-sized mattress of my hotel room. I slowly sat up in the bed and pulled my sleeping mask over my face. Stretching my arms above my head.

I slowly blinked open my eyes. Immediately faced with the beautiful view of Dubai. A smile couldn't stop but make its way on my face as I stood up from the bed, walking to the bathroom with my naked body on full display. If anyone was to look up from the street below they'd be surprised. I didn't care if anyone saw me. Not as much as other women would have.

When I enter the bathroom I immediately take my red hair out of its messy bun. I ran my hands through the mess of curls as I reached over and turned on the bath water. I waited until the bath was full before dropping a few essential oils into the water that the hotel provided as a welcoming gift. The smell of tea tree and cinnamon was a weird combination but it was nice.


I step from the bath dripping wet. I grab a towel nearby and pat my body dry before tip-toeing out of the bathroom and into the fresh air of my hotel room.

I open my suitcase that sat at the end of my bed and pull out a black floral top, black trousers, and basic black undergarments.

I shut the blinds but kept them open just enough for the sun to beam down onto me as I dropped my towel.

My pale skin warmed In the heat of the sun. I wanted to just stand there and let my skin bake in it but I had other things I wanted to do and one of them was go tour Dubai again.

I quickly dress. Throwing on a 𝐟𝐞𝐰 piece of jewelry before lining my lips in my signature red. I grab a light scarp and wrap it around my neck before leaving my hotel room.

I glanced at Skylar's room. Debating within myself if I should go knock. Maybe I could take her with me on the tour of Dubai. Maybe even show her a few places of mine that I enjoy.

Part of me screamed not to because why, for what? She could explore Dubai on her own but then the other part of me screamed why not. Because the thought of spending time with her sounded quite nice. I couldn't deny Skylar was good company. She was funny and outgoing. Even if most of the time she pissed me off and annoyed me.

She always made me want to laugh even if I hid it behind a steel mask. I didn't like giving people the satisfaction of thinking they won me over. Or like some people have said "Cracked my shell"

I gave Sky's door a firm knock. Backing up until my back hit the wall full of old paintings behind me. I heard an annoyed groan and mumbling of words couldn't make out as sheets ruffled and feet shuffled towards the door.

As the door swung open I didn't give any mind to the disheveled-looking Skylar in front of me. Or the mess of her white hair or her oversized t-shirt—that hung from her petite frame—of my favorite band The Beatles.

Still pressed against the wall and took a deep breath and quickly spilled "Do you want to come explore Dubai with me?" When I finished my sentence I felt lightheaded. Memories of last night's sounds coming from her room invaded my mind once again. I couldn't help but cringe at catching my employee, aka assistant essentially in the act.

I couldn't help this weird pinch of jealousy fill my heart. I pushed the feeling away as quickly as it came. For fucks sake I didn't have any reason to be jealous! What happened in her rooms was none of my business and neither was it any of her business if anything was going on in mine.

Her morning voice breaks me out of my thoughts. Breathy and hoarse but also light, soft, and delicate "Yeah, sure give me ten" she garbled still obviously not fully awake. I felt a ping of regret. Obviously, she was jet-lagged and tired. I forget It's just me who never gets jet-lagged and immediately wants to go out the day after landing. I should've never bothered her.

I was about to call out to her and tell her never mind and that she should just rest instead when the door opened again.

How long had I been in my own mind?

Out walked Skylar in plain black denim shorts, an old Pink Floyd top, and her signature black combat boots.

I couldn't help myself but admire her. Even in the simple clothes, she looked absolutely stunning. And somehow even in my six-inch heels she still stood a few inches taller than me.

Skyler was pulling her hair up into a ponytail and my eyes caught a small tattoo behind her ear.

A small tiny cross... or maybe that was a middle finger? But what also caught my attention was the tattoos on her legs and thighs. So many small tattoos crawled up her body. So many tattoos with meanings I couldn't help but want to know about.

Skylar cleared her throat. Her voice echoed off the empty hallway. I caught her eye for a brief second and saw a tiny sparkle of mischief In them but her face only held confusion. One of her bushy eyebrows cocked up and her lips pursed to one side as if she was waiting.

Embarrassment filled me deep within my core. How long had I been staring at her? I didn't realize I had been staring much at all. I know my cheeks were on fire. I probably looked like an angry tomato with the icy-cold expression I instantly put on. Hiding any further emotion.

Sky stepped away from the door angling her hand in a way of saying 'You first'
"Do you w-" we talked over each other "No you sho-" "Are you sure?" we both stood in an awkward silence for a moment. Neither of us dared to meet each other's eyes before I turned on my heels and quickly left. Leaving Skylar to follow or not.

I hoped I'd make it to the elevator first. Hoping she got stopped by a talkative staff worker so she would have to take a different elevator instead of us both riding together with my god-awful embarrassment, this awkwardness, and this slowly pricking tension I couldn't put my finger on.

Unfortunately, my hopes and dreams didn't come true.

I am working redoing the chapter numbers so no one gets confused.

𝑈𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑖𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 𝐹𝑒𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠 (𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑏𝑜𝑠𝑠)(EXTREME EDITING)) Where stories live. Discover now