Chapter 8

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Sophie's POV:
Language warning
I awoke in a cellar somewhere under ground. The ability restrictor was giving a migraine so I layed down on the steel table that was  suppose be my bed and stared at the ceiling.KNOCK KNOCK! I shot you and hung my legs over the side of the table and turned to the door.It creaked open and a ray of flickering light shown across the dark room. But then Brant and Umber came in. "Hello little moonlark, we are here to ask some questions" Umber said.
  "What do you want Umber" I said trying to sound braver than I was.
"Like I said just some easy questions" she said. "Ok let's start, where are the black swan hideouts."
"Ok let's try again now with some consequences" she said. Suddenly a ball of shadow flux appeared in her hand and then morphed into little balls.
"NEVER" I screamed, braising for pain.That's when she released the little balls and they all shot into my abdomen and then that's when I screamed and tossed and clutched my stomach crying.SNAP.I clutched my stomach were some thing had torn. That's when I lost it "INT KELBA" I cursed in Maltese. I shot up and ran for the door but that's when brant stepped in front of me with flaming hands.
  "Your going nowhere" he said burning my wrists and then his hand duped my face burning my skin.I screamed a blood rattling scream and dove beneath his legs and shot down the hall.The corridor was filled with torches and doors lined the walls.I skidded around a corner crashing into a a cloaked member which stood there in shock until they realized and the grabbed a dagger from there boot and dove for me. I dogged and then curled my hands into fist and struck trying to knock there cloak and soon enough we were dancing in battle.I stuck my hand out knocked there hood of and that's when I saw a girl with Amber hair and brown eyes and a scar running from the bottom of her eye and threw her eyebrow.

    Blood was trickling down my side and and from a cut that looked like hers

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    Blood was trickling down my side and and from a cut that looked like hers.She grabbed a rope and before I could jump away she tied it around my wrists but instead of going back towards the room where I came from we kept going down the hall. My body was aching and hurt and I might have a broken arm but I couldn't tell. We kept walking and then we reached a latter and climbed up without a word. I followed and beacause the string was wrapped around her waist.The  latter was rusty and old and started to cut my hands and the bounds on my hands stung like fire because they kept rubbing against the burns brant gave me.

      We reached the top and she flung open a latch, we climbed out and stood in a field of trees where we could still hear the neverseen sirens but far enough that hopefully no one could find us. She untied the bonds and gave me a bottle of youth.
"I'm Acelly " she said.
"I'm Sophie" I said confused.
"I was taken because, well one day I was walking in the forest behind my family's estate when a panther leaped out at me and her paw struck my face, then that night I my hands turned to paws and fur sprouted on my arms. I ran down the steps out of my house and into the forest and found him. And he turned out to be a boy named Asher.I'd sneak out to see him and track birds with him, until one night We were in human form and the neverseen took us both."
"Wow that's cool I've never met a nice member of the neverseen" I said shocked. Then she let out a low growl and then she shifted and her eyes turned purple and she had black sleek fur. "Oh my god that's so cool" I said surprised. She then slapped a paw to the ground and then I heard a thundering beat of footsteps and I spun ready for attack but Acelly grabbed my torn skirt and threw me back scratching my in the process and I cuped my eye letting the blood seep into my hands. Then the brush tore open and another panther appeared. The same like Acelly. They bounded up to each other and rubbed against each other.A green light shot against my eyes and when I opened them Acelly and what I assumed Asher looked like.

  "Hi" I said nervously.They ran over to me a put there hands on my face where she had scratched me.
"Acelly do you not Know what you just did" Asher said in a mad voice.
" oh no" she said scared.
"What....what happened" I said nervously.
" Your gonna turn into a panther" he said and that's when fur shot up on my arms and ears appeared on my head and then I had a long tail.
"Your soo pretty" Acelly said as she bound into me purring.
"You look great" Asher said as the turned into panthers and then I started to feel a little faint and I turned back just in case I was gonna pass out. That's when it hit me I had lost lots of blood and was badly injured.
"What's wrong" the both said like brother and sister.
"I'm really injured and I need to get to a doctor. Do you have a leaping Crystal to FoxFire" I said faintly.
"Uhh here we go" she said in a worried  voice.
"Can you walk" Asher said?
"No my ankle hurts pretty badly" I said.That's when Asher scooped me up and then Acelly held the crystal up to the light and leaped away.

How do you like it! I really enjoyed writing it and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. I need some ideas for the next chapter so feel free to coment.
Have a great day,
Amber lay

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