Chapter 9

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"We'll be back." I said, "Where are you going?" Amanda asked as she played with Makayla, "Sarah called and set up a playdate. Plus I wanna see her baby girl." I said as I readjusted Taylor on my hip.

I was driving while Taylor sang her current favorite Disney song after last night's movie night, where we watched Encanto...eleven times. "We no bawk abot  Buno!" Taylor sang happily, 'I've never wanted to stab out my eardrums more in my life, but at least she's happy.' I thought.

"Welcome!" Sarah said, "Thank you for having us." I said as Taylor and I went inside, "What a lovely home." I said, "Ok now that the pleasantries are out of the way, Taylor come give me a hug!" Sarah said Taylor ran to her and hugged her, "I missed you, little girl." she said, "Sorry I'm still in mom mode. Taylor has basically been my daughter since you were what eleven? Twelve maybe?" she said, "I was a real b-word, to her, but only because I wasn't ready for her." she said, "Now why don't you go play with Vanessa." she said as she kissed Taylor's head. We watched the strange yet oddly cute sight of a grown woman and a toddler playing together. "We had to suffer through Encanto eleven times. It was good the first time, but then it got old." I said, "You too huh? God, it's Frozen all over again." she said, suddenly her watch beeped, "Sorry about that, my wife and I are trying to get pregnant. But she's not here to knock me up again." She said, "So you found a doner then?" I said, "Oh no, I'm sorry to confuse you. My wife is trans. She kept know." she said, "Oh, I see." I said, "Don't get me wrong, I love being a step-mom, but I'm ready to be a full-time mother and we talked it over and Vanessa's ready to be a big sister." she said, "My wife and I talked about it, but she doesn't like the idea of one of us getting knocked up." I said, "Well you have a great daughter already." she said.

Amanda POV

"Fetch!" I said as I threw Macayla's ball, she sprinted after it and brought it back, "Drop it." I said as she dropped the ball into my hand, "Good girl." I said as I scratched behind her ear, "Come on let's get you brushed." I said making her tail wag furiously. We went inside and I grabbed her brush and sat down with her on the couch. I brushed her hair and moved onto her tail which was still wagging. "Rollover." I said she did as she was told and rolled over so I could scratch her belly, "And Ava said cats are better." I said making Macayla tilt her head in confusion, I pulled her up so she was on my lap and let her lick my face, "Mmmm, thank you for the kisses." I said as I wiped the slobber off my face, she let her tongue fall out and panted, I kissed her tongue and let her lick the inside of my mouth, suddenly she stopped, "Master." she said, "Yes sweetie?" I said, "I know you said I couldn't get my dog ears, but what about a tongue? Or a pussy? I'll pay for it myself, please master!" she begged, "Well darling I will think about it, but that would mean you'd have to recover for a very long time. The tongue will be very difficult." I said, "I know master. But, I want to be more canine. I don't care if people call me a freak. I love being your puppy and I love you." she said, "I know sweetie, I love you too." I said as I kissed her, "Now can you stay a big girl so we can talk about this? And MAYBE if I think it's possible, look at some dog breeds to find one you like." I said.


We let the kids watch a movie, suddenly they booth began to cry, "Well I know Taylor's hungry." I said, "And Vanessa wants to be held." Sarah said, "My breasts are still sore after a certain little girl decided to bite them this morning." I said, "If you're alright with it I could nurse her. and you can hold Vanessa." She said, "Ok." I said.

Sarah POV

I scooped Taylor up and took off my top. She latched on soon enough, "Taylor no nibbling. Understood." Ava said sternly, "Oh it's fine. Nibble if you want sweetpea. Just don't bite too hard." I said as I petted her, I watched Ava bounce Vanessa on her knee, "Want tat." Vanessa said as she pointed at me and Taylor, "Oh sweetheart Miss Ava's boobies are sore, her baby bit her this morning." I said, "As long as you're alright with it I don't mind as long as this cutie promises not to bite." Ava said, "She knows better than to bite." I said as Ava took off her top and let Vanessa latch onto her nipple, "She's so gentle." Ava said as she rubbed Vanessa's back, "And Taylor's so sweet she's trying to be gentle and trying not to bite, but she slips up from time to time." I said as I patted Taylor's butt, "We both have very good girls." I said sweetly.

A few hours later Ava and Taylor left. "Ok baby girl you're all packed." I said, "Mama." Vanessa said sadly, "Hey, you'll be alright honey. You'll only be gone for a few weeks. Besides, she's your real mom you should love her just as much as you love me and Mommy." I said, "No go." she said, "Baby you have to." I said, "You come too?" she asked, "No, I can't. Your mom and I don't get along." I said, "Now let's cuddle before you have to go." I said.


"We're home." I said, "Welcome home." Amanda said, "We should talk babe. Taylor go to your room and play alright." I said as Taylor ran to her room. "Funny I need to talk to you about something as well." She said, "I wanna have an actual baby.", "Macayla wants to modify her body more." we said simultaneously, "What?!" we said, "No I was barely fine with the tail she cannot get more done." I said, "Never mind that! An actual baby?! Honey, we have Taylor for that!" she said, "Yes, and I love her so so much, but we aren't parents, sure we act like it and we practically are, but she's a grown woman and like it or not one day she might want to leave us. If that happens it will break my heart. I love being a mother, I want this. I want to have a baby with you. Hell, we can adopt a baby if that's what it takes!" I said, "Well then a quid pro quo is in order." she said.

Sarah POV

"Welcome home." I said, "Hey." Erin said as she kissed me, suddenly my watch beeped telling us that I was ovulating, "Babe we don't have to." I said, "No, but I've made you wait long enough." she said as she got down on her knee and kissed my hand, "Sarah my love, let's have a baby." she said as she pulled down my pants, "Well when you put it like that." I said as I bit my lip while she kissed my pussy. Before too long, she was rock hard and on top of me. She thrust it deep inside me and trusted while we kissed.

Once we were done Erin came inside me five times. "If you don't get knocked up I will be very disappointed." Erin said as she sissed me, "It's hard to take you seriously while your dick is rubbing against my ass." I said. "Maybe after dinner, we can go a few more rounds." I said, "Sure babe." she said.


We started looking for donors and I made a very difficult phone call.

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