Chapter 11

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Sky's POV:

As we we're walking back to the dock Rosa wanted to stop by a couple more shops

"I'll be right back" i say to rosa she wakes me off not looking at me

I turn my attention to the The ice cream truck I see a little ways ahead I start walking towards it


I look a the beautiful scenery the pink flowers surrounding the areas it feels like a dream

I look a the beautiful scenery the pink flowers surrounding the areas it feels like a dream

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"Hi welcome to Bosco what can I get you" the man standing behind the truck asked

I taken my time to look at the menu before ordering

"Can I get the strawberry cheese cake ice cream cone with extra cheese cake and Oreo ice cream cone please" he nods before preparing the ice cream. Knowing Rosa liked strawberry shortcake ice cream I got her one.

As I'm waiting I take the opportunity to snap a picture of the place and send it to rowan

ME: *image inserted here*

ROWAN: ohh my its pretty I wish I could be there bitch you should of took me with you.

I chuckle before putting my phone back into my pocket

"Here you go ms" the man say politely handing me the ice cream cones in a clear box

"Thank you Sir" i hand him twenty dollar bill and left to go find Rosalina

"Thank you Sir" i hand him twenty dollar bill and left to go find Rosalina

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I see Rosalina sitting on one of the far benches she was petting one of the birds before it bite her finger she curses in her Scottish accent lowly making me giggle

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I see Rosalina sitting on one of the far benches she was petting one of the birds before it bite her finger she curses in her Scottish accent lowly making me giggle. I guess she heard me giggling when she looked up her eyes soften.

"Here you go Milady" I do a silly little bow making her giggle

"Thank you sky" she says before licking the ice cream that on dripping on the side of the cone.

I watch as her long tongue ran up and down the cone making me wish it was my cock she was licking

Snapping out my thoughts I sit down next to her and enjoy my Oreo ice cream cone

"This place is beautiful" i say looking at the hanging flowers behind us

"I know it's magical" rosa says looking at me in the eyes and stare into each other's eyes my Heart starts beating really fast why do i feel like this when I look at her

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"I know it's magical" rosa says looking at me in the eyes and stare into each other's eyes my Heart starts beating really fast why do i feel like this when I look at her

"Let's hurry and eat are ice cream we should head back" she nods in agreement

It was getting dark outside so we decided it would be best to start heading back to the hotel after we finish are ice cream.

Rosalina and I talked about random topics and to find out we have more things in common the we thought

𝑈𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑖𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 𝐹𝑒𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠 (𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑏𝑜𝑠𝑠)(EXTREME EDITING)) Where stories live. Discover now