Chapter One: The Dream

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As I drift off into sleep, my mind starts to get creative. First, it's dark. Then this bright, blinding light appears. After that, I see various colors fly through the air. There's a sweet smell of flowers as my eyes adjust to the light. Then, darkness.

I'm falling. I'm falling and it's a long way down. I don't remember how, but there's this cool breeze as I feel my body coming closer and closer to the bottom. I wake up from this. In a familiar place, but somethings different. I don't know why, but I get the feeling that I'm late for something. As I get up, I look around. Nothing seems to be out of the ordinary. Then it hits me, literary. The room is upside down as I fall to the floor, or now the ceiling. As my body makes contact, the ceiling is now water and I'm drowning. I try to swim, try to get a gasp of air, struggle to reach the surface, but my body feels as though it weighs a ton. While I'm sinking to what I believe is my death, the water gets cold, and the darkness starts to swallow me whole; and in the midst of all this, I hear a voice. It's from a female, I'm certain of this. The voice. The voice is soothing. So soothing, that I forget that I am drowning. That I am slipping to death, and this voice seems to pull me up. It pulls me to the surface and I cling to it with what strength I have left. Then, more darkness.

I awake from this dream in a big puddle of sweat in my bed. The covers are all over the place and my room looks a mess. I don't know remember much, but I feel light headed and my whole body is soar. I jump to the sound of a womans voice. She walks into the room and has this face of concern. "You had another one of those dreams again, didn't you?", she asks. Her voice, so soft and gentle. So caring and kind that it makes me want to fall asleep again. And then I remember. She is my girlfriend. We've been living together for two years and have been dating for four. I also remember that for the past few weeks, I keep having these weird dreams, each one different. Except for three of them. These three consists of losing her and I'm helpless to do anything. "You look a bit hungry," she said. She had brought me breakfast in bed, well what's left of the bed. "So, are you heading to work today or are you calling in?". I look at her with a puzzled expression on my face. She catches on quick and realizes that I don't know what she's talking about. She tells me that I've been losing my memory everytime I have these dreams. But she reassures me that it will all come back throughout the day and that she'll call in for me.

As my day goes on, my memory does return, but slowly. I remember that I d still go to school. I even remember most of the dream that I had last night and the previous ones before, but nothing more. As I continue with my day, I start to question what I plan on doing. Since I really don't remember much, I pondered on the thought of going out and doing something. Hanging out with friends? No, can't remember any of them. Wait, do I even have any friends? Am I the guy who keeps to himself? I start to question what I do in life. I ask Micah if I have a phone and shows me where it is. As I scroll through my contacts, I'm glad to see that I do have other people in my life. A few hours later, I start to remember their names. Sam, John, Brennan, and many more, all start to flow into my head like a river flowing into the sea.

As my day comes to an end, I feel as though something bad is going to happen. I shake it off thinking that it's nothing. I take my time eating dinner. Slowly savoring every bit, as if it was my last. Micah gives me that concerned look again and reassured her that everything is alright. Finally we finished and Micah goes to get ready for bed. As I stand alone in the kitchen, the strange feeling comes back again, this time a lot stronger. Then, I feel someone watching me. I turn to look over my shoulder, but nothing is there. After everything is clean, I head to the shower. I turn the hot water on, letting it heat up and steam. After the shower, I get dressed and head to bed. I climb in, give Micah a kiss, say goodnight, and then let my mind wonder off again. It doesn't take long for sleep to fall upon me, but as I drift off, I take one last look and my wifes wonderful face and fall into a deep sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2015 ⏰

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