😈 pt.1 😈

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Pizza Hut lays down on his saggy wet pizza box crying because people want McDonalds over Pizza Hut

*McDonalds comes in* Hey Pizza Hut ~uwu~

(Pizza Hut) What do you want Sussy Baka 🤬

(McDonalds) S-s-s-s sorry ~uwu~

(Pizza Hut) *mumbles* why are u so cringey all the time..

(McDonalds) What?

(Pizza Hut) Nothing 🙄

(McDonalds) Ok ~uwu~ Im gonna shower now ~im so quirky~

(Pizza Hut) Without me? 🤬

(McDonalds) Oh i forgot sorry daddy ~uwu~

(Pizza Hut) Its okay Baba Grill.. Lets go

(McDonalds) Okay ~uwu~


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2022 ⏰

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