Part 83

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"Nandini get up na baba" exclaimed Manik for the thousandth time now but his dear wife was just not in the mood to get up. Well after a beautiful night they had, he could not even expect her to get up soon but she had to.

"Nandini, I said Get up we need to check out" 

Hearing this, Nandini got up straight with furrowed eyebrows.

"Check out?Why?" asked Nandini. As far as she knew they were staying there for a few days now.

"That's a surprise. For now get up and go get ready" said Manik pulling her up from the bed and making her stand on the floor. Nandini nodded to him and went to get p ready as Manik was all done with his white folded sleeves shirt and baby pink coat.


"How did you even know that I always wanted to live in a floating house Manikk?" exclaimed Nandini as Manik opened the blinfold she had on all this while.

"Abhimanyu told me, he had called in the morning and as I got to know about this, I was like why not?" said Manik looking at her who was busy admiring the beautiful paradise infront of her eyes. A floating house in a place as lovely as Bali is a treat. Basically, it is a house with no floor and only water. So if you wanna go from one bed to the dining  table, you practically either have to swim or use a boat, a mini boat that is.

"Thankyou so much" said Nandini hugging him as he held her from her waist kissing her over her hair.

"So come on this is yours, do whatever you want to till evening cause after that I have other things planned" said Manik leading her ahead from the bridge. It actually was like living in a jungle but with luxuries.

"Nah, this is ours and not mine alone Manik" sad Nandini entwining her hands with his.

The two tied lay down on the bed which was surrounded by water on three sides and a pathway from the fourth side. The two laid side by side on the bed . Nandini had her eyes closed with a content smile on her face while Manik as usual busy admiring her when suddenly something got into him and he was straight above Nandini caging her between his hands which made Nandini open her eyes with a jerk. Seeing the mischievous smile that Manik had on his face, she surely knew he was upto something. He leaned closer to her which made her world still. She was too overwhelmed to say or do anything. 

Manik made her turn on the bed sharply and noww his lips were on Nandini's bare back while Nandini closed her eyes clutching the sheets. No matter how many times this happens, no matter how much time they stay together, she would always feel it was for the first. Manik further moved up to her nape and then to her side facing her, having her lips in his. What followed was a beautiful memory again.

Both of them were v on the bed amongst pillows and sheets sleeping soundly. It was 45 hours since they had been here . After a few minutes Manik opened his eyes to see Nandini sleeping hugging which obviously made him feel happy and content. But come on, they were no in Bali to sleep.

The next minute Nandini opened her eyes was when Manik picked her up and then all she knew was she was in water.

'What the fuck Manik Malhotra' exclaimed Nandini. She was not prepared for this. But here, Manik was busy laughing sitting on the bed with his legs hanging below in himself 

"Atleast experience the fun of a floating house no" said Manik still laughing while Nandini stood in the water with folded hands. Having a smirk plastered on her face, she marched towards Manik and pulled him into the water.

"You are so gone now" said Manik as he held her to himself and drenched her completely splashing water on her all the time. As a reflex, Nandini did the same. As Nandini was busy splashing water on him, Manik carefully came towards her turning her around and picked her up from her waist swirled her all around in the water

"Manik stop, listen I will faint okay" said Nandini as Manik continued swirling her around.

"No no you wanna have fun na" said Manik as he swirled her once more and kept her down in the water not leaving her hand.

Nandini was actually feeling dizzy now, just to have fun, Manik left her which made her stumble but no sooner did he hold her back chuckling at her state.

"What are you laughing at huh? Look at yourself Manik" said Nandini as he splashed water on him for once more.

"All thanks to you" said Manik throwing his hands up in the air.

"Okay I am feeling hungry now" said Nandini pouting while Manik mimicked her earning a slap on his shoulders.

"Change karna hai pehle?" asked Manik as he was unsure of eating food in wet clothes

"No no, it would be fun Manik come on" said Nandini 'trying' to drag him towards the floating dining area.

"Hmm and then you will have cough and Mamma would eat me up" said Manik stopping her

"Manik, I will handle mamma, chalo na" pleaded Nandini and Manik could no longer deny.

They climbed up the wooden stairs all wet and sat around the table that had fruits and snacks along with some sea food served. They quickly finished off with their food with their infamous bickering and famous love.

"Nicee, I enjoyed so much Manik thankyouu" said Nandini kissing his cheeks as he smiled turning off the heater provided for them which was on for all this while. They had changed their clothes already and it was time to go from a beautiful place which gave them the best of memories to cherish. 

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