'A New Beginning'

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  (In this book kiana is only 15 :3)
  She started stepping through the village, 'It is really a huge place, I hope they can help me find my home' kiana thought. She saw seven head statues on the mountain, 'these must be the leaders of  this village' they also seem to have headbands which seemed to have some sort of symbol on it, confusing her. She reached inside the village, the low ground.

At first was she saw some strange ninja dude staring at her at the top of one of the building and shouted "Oi! Kid stop right there!" "Uhm, okay" said kiana nervously.The ninja dude said "What's your name? You aren't one of the resident of hidden leaf! state your name and where are you from" 'so this village is called hidden leaf...' kiana thought and said "My name is Kiana Kaslana! And..." 'how do I explain this guy where I'm from..' kiana thought to herself. "I-I don't know where I'm from...but don't worry I can ask the others around for help! It's no big problem" kiana lied, hoping that she won't get suspected. "Oh, okay then you are allowed, and don't be nervous you can go ask around people here in hidden leaf for help if needed."

'The girls clothes and her eyes are really weird...I must keep an eyes on her, but she seemed fine I might just tell this to konohamaru' thought the ninja dude and he hand signed the others to keep an eye on her because of her strange aura, really different from theirs. Kiana nervously started walking around the hidden leaf, it was a happy atmosphere with no signs of danger spotted, people were casually walking around talking, smiling and kids laughing, playing around and talking, she took a seat at a bench and she felt relieved at the sight that everything was okay, except for her. 'I should be aware, because of sirin, my life hasn't been the same but I can't blame her for this' she doesn't want to do the same mistake she did before, the second houkai war. Many innocents life were taken because of the second herrscher's awakening inside kiana's DNA and took control of her mind and body, but was stopped by kiana's sensei Himeko Murata who gave her life in order to save kiana so she can live a life she always wanted and end this story the way she had wanted. She remembered it all, she remembered every single pieces of her memory, of what happened in the city of nagazora. She remembered her words before she came here.

 She remembered her words before she came here

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When she was taking a look back at her past she was suddenly interrupted by a hand at her shoulders, A boy with blonde hair and blue lively eyes looked through hers and said "Hello there! My name is Uzumaki Boruto! What's yours?" He said by holdin...

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When she was taking a look back at her past she was suddenly interrupted by a hand at her shoulders, A boy with blonde hair and blue lively eyes looked through hers and said "Hello there! My name is Uzumaki Boruto! What's yours?" He said by holding out a hand for her to shake it "you are probably new here! So I guess I'll be your first friend here!" She didn't understand why the boy always say dattebasa at the end of his sentence (A/N: XD). Then kiana respond to him back with the same kindness as him "Hi Boruto! My name is Kiana Kaslana but you can call me kiana! Hehe, And it's true that you are the first friend I'll ever make here! Also my nickname is Tuna!". 'He has such a bright personality, just like me!' Kiana thought
"What?Tuna- okay never mind, I know you are confused of why I'm here, I was sent here by my sensei because you are new and you're practically famous already in the konoha people but don't mind them, but you'll have to meet up my other friends also!" He said and grab kiana's hand and started dragging her to a place. 'I guess going with them isn't a bad thing'.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2022 ⏰

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