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As I walked in the direction, I soon found her slipping into one of the washrooms. People in the corridor was glancing at us with confused gaze when I heard a familiar voice.

"Ruhi!" Anuj had called me after such a long time. "What's the matter? Are you fine, I heard Rudr was behaving like a jerk and..." He was rushing towards me, his eyes busy scanning if I was hurt emotionally.

"Zara and Rudr had an argument." I pointed at the washroom, "I need to glance at her." He gave a slight nod, the concern not leaving his face. I took a step forward but halted and glanced at him again. "Don't mention it to Aarav or Ehaan... please." He kept staring at me for a second before nodding once again.

I knew if the news got to them. There would be the beginning of another war and I or Zara wasn't in condition to witness it. It was a rare occasion for Zara to break down. She had a tough exterior and I always considered her a strong, bold girl. Complete different from me. But like any human, she had weakness and it was her past. I pulled the knob to get inside the washroom. It was vacant except for two girls sharing a shocked expression. Maybe on seeing the tough girl shedding tears.

On glancing at me, they quickly made their way out. I waited for her to get out of the cabin, not wanting to force her. Maybe she needed space, I just wanted to make her feel I was there for her. The voice of the bell indicated the class had started. I was going to miss the first lecture. I typed a message to Samaira about me being present and would join her on the second lecture. Not going into detail about the circumstance. I wasn't planning to worry her about my absence or her calling my parents to know about my whereabouts. I waited patiently for a few more minutes when Zara walked out of one of the cabins. As the lectures had started so the washroom was vacant.

Her eyes widen upon seeing me present in the washroom. She wiped her tears, "you didn't have to miss the lecture for me." She sounded genuine, I simply smiled at her.

"Are you feeling better?" I inquired a slight smile crossed her lip.

"It felt nice! That you waited," the awkwardness spreading in the air. I wasn't good with such a situation. Consoling people didn't come naturally to me though I could be the listening ear.

"Hmm... it won't be possible for both of us to attend a lecture. Why don't we enjoy it in the cafeteria?" She suggested and I nodded at her. Far better than wasting time in the washroom.

As we made ourselves comfortable in the chairs, in the cafeteria as like washroom it was vacant as well. It seemed as the entire building was studious except us two, who was bunking our first lecture. The thought of getting caught was high in my mind but I knew Zara could manage it well for both of us. Bunking classes wasn't something new to her.

"So, how was your date? You never shared it with me." I initiated a conversation, trying to change the topic.

"Date! It wasn't a date!" Zara laughed and I had succeeded in changing her mood. "It was a disaster!" I widen my eyes in horror but Zara kept on laughing. "From the table to the curtain, everything was perfect but not my choice." She was finding it difficult to control her laugh. "Everything in baby pink. Ideal for any girl but not me." Suddenly that laugh turned out into silent tears, I was appalled to react. What went wrong? I had managed to divert her mind yet she ended up in tears.

She pushed her tears back, passing a smile. "Don't think I am weak." She warned me, "it is like certain thing causes some hidden, deep pain to arise." She paused for a second taking a sip from the glass of water present before us. "I wasn't a normal girl child from childhood. I never liked pink, barbie doll." She shook her head, her eyes moist. "I loved to play video games over house-house." A sad smile crossed her spirit, "my parents were worried about my choices. I prefer jeans over dresses. I was always the odd one out!" She was sharing her childhood struggle with me. "They even came to a conclusion, I was trans..." her voice choked in the end. "That was because my cousin spread a rumour that I was interested in a girl rather than a boy." A sob escaped from her throat. "It was never like such! I had nothing again trans but I was never attracted towards the same gender just my choices and taste were different from the people of my gender. It isn't like I hate putting effort to look good but it doesn't come naturally. I was much interested in sports! I love football! How do my mere choices make me weird? Why do I have to like things adored by people of the same gender? What's wrong if I dress into something, I consider comfortable?"

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