Chapter 1

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It was one of those nights. Those nights where you just need a drink. That's what Franklin Nelson needed at the moment. And that's just what he got. Instead of going to the usual place, Josie's, he went to a different one. Too many fond memories Josie's Bar. Enough to intoxicate him, make him feel loopy and broken. He knew that he couldn't have those moments again. Those were the good times but those times were over. Too many lies, too much worrying, overthinking. But there was no more of that. He didn't have to deal with the lies anymore, not having to worry or overthink. The cause of those died. Literally. No more good memories, no more Nelson and Murdock. Shit...that deserved a cheers, ey? What was Foggy thinking? He couldn't look back on that now. He was here to forget, not remember. Matthew Murdock was dead, gone, no more. It was about time to accept that. Though Karen had continuously attempted to convince him that there was a chance of his best friend being alive. Why couldn't she just let go? To just make things easier? She shouldn't keep her hopes up. But what if the devil was alive? Would the man even go to them? Talk to them? What was he to expect? Matt wouldn't talk to them, right? Who was he kidding, he would talk to them and Foggy knew it. The man always needed them for something. It was a shame that Foggy had such a soft spot for him, the man he once called his best friend. What were they now? No, he couldn't think of that right now. Again, here to forget, not remember. He'll be a sobbing mess if he continues to think about it. Poor Marci has to deal with enough of that. Drowned by his thoughts, the sound of the bar door opening was blocked out. "Foggy." The voice pulled him above the surface of his depressing though, now looking over to see who called him. His heart nearly stopped. A chuckle of disbelief came out. "This isn't real..." The man who wore sunglasses, a hat, and a hoodie gave hm a quick small smile. Quick enough you could've missed it. "It's real." The blonde male immediately shot up from his stool, hugging the 'dead' man. "Hey, Foggy." Foggy. A name that his friends called him. "How? Where have....We all thought that you were dead." More like everyone but Karen. She was right this whole time. "I'm sorry." Sorry? That's what he always said. Were they just words without meaning by now? "Does Karen know you're back yet?" She deserved to know. She's been counting on it, having faith that he was alive. So much faith that she even went as far as paying his bills. "Take a seat." The two sat down on the bar stools. "I'm....I'm not back." Seriously? "Well, I'm seventy-five percent sure I'm not hallucinating." Foggy chuckled. "I'm uh...not back. Matt Murdock isn't going to be a part of me anymore. Um...I'm leaving him behind." What?" Was he even hearing himself? "The only reason why I came here-" "Matt, stop." Foggy interrupted, surprising the other. "I haven't seen you in months. I thought that you were dead. You hear me? DEAD! Me and Karen, your friends, mourned over you. Heh...yet here you are...sitting right next to me telling me that my best friend is dead. can't say that, man." Foggy struggled to hold back tears. This was just unbelievable. "Foggy...I wanted you and Karen to be safe. Fisk is...he has the FBI wrapped around his finger. He's getting what he wants. And one of things is wanting you both dead because you guys are important to me. You both....I can't..." He could hear the unsteadiness in Matt's voice, as if he was going to cry. Foggy leaned forward, gripping the other's shoulders. "Matt, stop it.Fisk isn't going to get us. We can take care of ourselves. That was never our concern. We were more worried about you. We cared about you. Karen she...she's been paying your bills, believing that you were still alive. She had faith in it. Now that it's confirmed, you want to just up and go? What's wrong with you?" Tears began to flow freely down Foggy's cheeks. "I don't know, Foggy...I..." He shook his head, lips forming a thin line. "I don't know..." "'I don't know' isn't enough, Matt! Not enough to cover the amount of damage you've done to Karen and I. You say that you want to protect us but if anything, you're hurting us! This needs to stop!" People were now looking at them, unable to block out the growing argument. Foggy backed away from Matt, giving quick apologizes to those around them for the disturbance. It quieted down after Foggy's words, seemingly having an affect on the other. After a few seconds of silence, Matt mumbled something, his voice too soft to be heard. "What?" He leaned forward in attempt to hear what the other was saying. There was silence for a few more seconds. "Please...Help me..." Then the thick dam had collapsed. Tears ran down Matt's cheeks, quiet sobs leaving his mouth along with quick gasps. Just then, Foggy's heart broke. He immediately pulled the other male into a tight hug. "Help you with what, bud?" His voice was soft. Where had all of the anger and hurt gone? Maybe seeing his best friend in such a vulnerable state cleared those feelings out. "E-Everything. I...I've failed you and Karen. I've failed to be a good friend. I-I want to tell you guys everything but I always end up hiding something. I was a horrible friend. I...I wasn't even suppose to get close to you guys. Stick...he's told me, warned me, not to get close with anyone. That I should've never became friends with you both and that I would get you guys killed. Now, you both are in danger because of me. He was right. I tried so hard to prove him wrong but he...he...I-I should have listened-" "Shhh, Matty. You need to calm down. You're hyperventilating." Foggy whispered, pulling the now trembling man onto his lap, holding his best friend close. He yanked Matt's hood down and took off his glasses, so that he could put the brunette's onto his shoulder, running his fingers through his hair. This was the method that he use to use on Matt back in college. Matt use to have anxiety attacks and sensory overloads whenever he felt overwhelmed or stimulated. The poor man probably still had them frequently but hid it. Typical Matthew. Now wasn't the time to think about that. He needed to focus on calming down his friend, which was working. Matt copied Foggy's breathing, eventually evening it out. Matt was quiet for a few seconds. "Teach me..." "What?" Foggy asked, trying to take a glance at him. "Teach me how to be a good friend...please?" Breaking his heart again. "Yeah...yeah of course. We'll work on it, ok? How about we start by calling Karen? Let her know that you're here? Maybe have her come here?" The man suggested. There was an expression that formed on Matt's face, what seemed to be worry. But he slowly nodded in agreement. Foggy took out his phone, going into his contacts then called Karen. "Hey, Foggy." She greeted. "Uh...hey, Karen." "Ok, what's going on?" Wow. She was pretty good at picking things up quickly. "I was wondering if you wanted to meet me at that other bar that I've told you about? This is really important." "Yeah, yeah. I'll be there in ten minutes." They hung up. "She's coming. Ok, Matty?" Matt nodded, remaining quiet. Soon enough, the bar door opened, a familiar worried blonde entering. She rushed over to where Foggy was sitting. "Foggy?" She called out. Foggy looked over his shoulder before looking back down at Matt, who had surprisingly fallen asleep on him. Karen walked over to his side, looking at the sleeping male. Her heart raced as tears formed in her eyes, her hand coming up to cover her mouth. "He's alive, Karen. You were right." Foggy stated with a comforting smile. "Oh Matt...." She hugged his sleeping form. "He's a bit...messed up up there but I promised that I would help him. He wants to start over, to be a good friend. The things he said to me, Karen, it all made sense...why he is the way he is." Foggy explained. Karen backed away from Matt, letting him sleep. "I'll help too. We'll get our old Matt back. I know that we will."

(Thank you everyone so much for reading! I hope you all enjoyed this little thing. XD I know that something like this would've never happened but I thought that it would've been a good idea. ^^ Sorry that it's kind of short- I wish that I would've wrote more but I don't have a lot of ideas in my brain XD Again, I hope that you all enjoyed it ^^)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2022 ⏰

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