Chapter 6 - Bribery

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Vansh handed out filled brown paper bags in the CBI office with a grin as they were received appreciatively like lottery winnings.

"Sahil, Sara, and not forgetting my good friend, Kabir," he said as he passed around the sandwiches he'd made them all.

Sahil was predictably the first to take a peek inside. "Did you remember extra-?"

"Mustard? Of course."

"You're a legend, man," the agent smiled, slapping him on the back.

"Thanks, Vansh," Sara smiled as she made her way back to her desk.

"My pleasure to feed State's finest law enforcement personnel," he quipped.

As Sahil departed to devour his lunch, Kabir was left to cast a steely gaze at the man. "Okay, what's your angle with Riddhima this time?"

"Angle? You're very suspicious, you know that?" Vansh smiled.

Unfazed, "Yeah. What is it?"

Vansh narrowed his eyes at the man in front of him. Rarely had he met someone he couldn't charm instantly. It was refreshing to duel with Kabir verbally when he stopped by to see his girlfriend. Bribery mostly worked on the others but only honesty impressed the man before him. He was obviously made from the same mould as she was.

The two men shared a silent understanding. Vansh would be welcomed into the fold as long as he was doing right by her. So far the bribing was good natured but knew if he ever hurt her it would be a very different matter. He may even be required to appoint a bodyguard. So far their relationship was going swimmingly, though, with barely a bump in the road from his perspective.

Kabir continued, "Last time you brought us lunch was so we would work the late shift so you could take her to the game."

"Believe me, that turned into more of a penance for me than for you," Vansh argued. "My arm was bruised as she continually took out her aggravation on me than on those on the field."

Naturally, Vansh didn't mention that being riled up by the poor game they'd witnessed had brought out the altogether more pleasurable animalistic side to her nature too. She'd taken her frustrations out for the pitiable performance she'd seen on the baseball field by hitting a fantastic second base strike herself when she'd got home that night, showing the so called professionals what impassioned play she was capable of reaching and putting their lacklustre efforts to shame.

She'd pinned him against the wall of her condo as soon as they made it inside and kissed the life out of him, writhing her body against his, her hands' quick progress only impeded by their clothing. Only a call from his mother who was performing a stock check on canned goods at the diner had stopped her from turning it into a championship winning home run right there and then.

He'd detested peaches ever since. Canned or otherwise.

Kabir dropped the sandwich to a desk beside him and crossed his arms across his chest. Impassively, "Got work to do. What is it?"

"That's what I'd like to know," Riddhima said as she entered the office.

Vansh turned and beamed a smile at her. "Hey, sweetheart, how's your day going?"

An expected blush fell upon her cheeks to the term of endearment proffered. "Vansh, you can't resort to bribery every time you want to take me out," she said, attempting to sound authoritative.

"I don't mind," Sahil said as he shoved a bite of a Philly steak sandwich into his mouth with an enthusiastic sound of contentment.

"Nor do I," Sara added with a smile as she took a small bite of her own chicken salad on rye.

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