fateful day

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*English is not my native language. i apologize for the mistakes.*

Before each game, after a fairly serious knee injury, Daan was nervous as if she were making her professional soccer debut again, and to calm herself down she twirled her wedding ring. Thinking about her wife, her beloved beautiful Beth, always made her feel so much better no matter what situation she was in, whether it was an important and decisive match or a simple uncertainty. Especially now, when the Englishwoman was nine months pregnant and watching the Netherlands national team match not only with Rona, but also with their unborn little angel. A smile appeared on Daan's lips as the memories of the engagement, the wedding, and the long-awaited pregnancy became the only thing on her mind, displacing all the uncertainty and doubt. Unlike many matches in her career, now she was more than ever glad that this one was the final, wanting to be home as soon as possible because from day to day in the world was to appear their baby girl. This year, the dutchwoman quite clearly gave the main priorities, not only the club, but also the national team refused to participate in some public events and refused to force her return to the field was worth to get micro-injuries. Now the most important thing for her was her wife and their child, Daan never missed an ultrasound and tried to be home as much as possible, rarely staying at the club base more than necessary. However, she could not enjoy thinking about her family for a long time as it was time to go out for a warm-up, which was announced quite loudly by one of the assistant coaches. The whole match went in the habitual final struggle, and the Dutch national team legend left all his forces on the field which no one doubted. As soon as the final whistle sounded all the players in orange uniforms began to loudly celebrate the victory, but to Daan immediately ran up to Jill who was on the bench in this match.

-Beth said not to tell you, but her water broke a few minutes after the starting whistle, and she and Leah and Kim are already in the hospital.- actively gesturing with her hands tried to explain everything to number fourteen Wolfsburg.

The girl said everything very quickly, so it took Daan some time to understand what she was saying, but when she understood what she had said, she ran away from the field with wide-open eyes. The long-awaited gold was forgotten as the only thought in her mind was that her beloved wife was giving birth and she was away from home.

-Why the hell didn't anyone tell me that my wife was in labor? - running toward the locker rooms, the Dutchwoman threw a foggy-eyed remark.

-Beth told me not to tell you so you wouldn't get off at the finals.- Jill mumbled, barely keeping up with her friend.

Daan literally flew into the locker room making the door rattle against the wall immediately picking up the phone, dialing the number of his wife, but not getting an answer immediately dialed the number of her best friend.


-How is Beth? Has the baby come into the world yet? I'll be there soon!.- the number ten of the Dutch team mumbled with difficulty as she pressed her head against the cold wall. -Are you crazy not to tell me the news? I'll hurt you when I get there! How could you do that? Beth is hurting and hard, and I'm not around! This is way out of line!

-Shut your mouth!.- immediately besought her Leah because she knew that when her friend is nervous she starts to swear and talk a lot.- It was Beth's desire in the first place so you do not disrupt one of the most important matches so deal with your wife, because believe me even with all my desire to report it was extremely aggressive in what you can not tell anyone... Okay, now about my future goddaughter, we're at the hospital and the baby hasn't shown up yet and won't in a couple of hours, but Beth has already made a splash here with her voice range... You better hurry up.

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